Page 7 - ROOT by Brock Janiuary February 23
P. 7


        New year, new you, right?             example, take a French class with friends
                                              instead of a belly-busting brunch with
        You don’t need to wait until January 1 to
        set new goals, but if you prefer to make new   friends or plan to go on a long walk with
        year’s resolutions, here are a few things that   coffee instead.
        can turn a change into a habit.      •  PRACTICE  FLEXIBILITY. Life happens.
        •  BE  SPECIFIC.  It’s impossible to achieve   Find its audio version if you didn’t meet
         vague goals, like “Be happy,” because you   your goal to finish a book in a month.
         can’t measure progress or success. However,   Create plans that work best for you. Don’t
         if you promise to participate in an activity   give up, and keep going!
         that brings you joy twice a week, you can see   •  REWARD  YOURSELF. If your drive to
         how often you fulfill that promise. Plus, if   drink more water and less sugary drinks is
         you don’t feel better, you can plug more fun   waning, reach for water enriched with slices
         sessions into your week.             of your favorite fruit. Make your daunting
                                              tasks more pleasant, so they aren’t scary.
        •  EMBRACE REALITY. Instead of resolving
         to read a book a week, try to finish a book   Practice makes habits. Don’t give up on change
         in  a month.  Lofty goals  set  you  up for   that can benefit you. Remember, resolutions
         failure. Plus, if you are not reaching your   can be made or changed at any time of the
         new resolutions, you might need to reflect   year. If you are having trouble staying on
         and make some adjustments. For example,   track, journal your activities, mark them on a
         if the pain of the cycling class makes you   calendar, or find a friend to join you!
         skip sessions, switch to hip-hop dance.
        •  STRATEGIZE. If you want to make  a
         major change, create small, realistic goals
         to get you to your big goal. Small habits   opinion/new-year-resolutions.
         add up! Plan a meatless day twice a week,   html?searchResultPosition=14
         take the stairs to increase daily movement,   Kaysen, Rhonda. “Sticking with it”. Good
         cut back on your traditional afternoon   Housekeeping. January 2022
         latte drink, or join an exercise class. If your
         life is overflowing, combine activities. For

                                             From the Kitchen: FRUIT VINEGAR
                                             Servings – 2 cups                    DIRECTIONS:

                                             INGREDIENTS:                         Combine ingredients in a pot and turn heat
                                             • 2 cups white vinegar               to medium. Cook for about 4 minutes,
                                             • 2 cups fresh or frozen fruit       occasionally stirring. Remove from heat and
                                                                                  allow to cool to below 41°F.
                                                    Nutrition Information         Once cooled, pour the mixture into a jar and
                                                     (1 Tbsp. serving):           tightly cover. Leave in a cool, dark place for
                                               Calories 9, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g,
                                               Unsaturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg,   about five days, giving the jar a shake daily.
                                               Sodium 0mg, Carbohydrates 0g, Fiber
                                                   0g, Sugar 0g, Protein 0g       After five days, strain the vinegar and discard
                                                                                  the fruit. Place vinegar into a clean jar and
                                             Adapted From:                        store it in the refrigerator.
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