Page 8 - ROOT by Brock Janiuary February 23
P. 8

Inside this iSSue:

                 • Rutabaga Benefits
                 • Healthy Heart Habits
                 • Food Allergies 101
                 • Allspice as a Superfood

                 • And more!

        Busting Myths: ALL FATS ARE UNHEALTHY.

        When we hear the word “fat,” we don’t usually   in highly processed foods so that they are   While the recommendation is that about 35
        think about the health benefits. But, contrary   more shelf stable but are now removed from   percent of your calories come from fat, it is
        to popular belief, fat is an essential nutrient   most food products. While you probably will   best to focus on portion size and incorporating
        needed  for  many  processes  within  the  body.   have difficulty finding trans fats in most food   healthy, unsaturated fats into your diet as a
        Fats are necessary for nutrient absorption,   products, saturated and unsaturated fats are   whole and not just a number. Fats are more
        especially vitamins A, D, E, and K. They keep   abundant. Butter, bacon, lard, and heavy cream   calorically dense than protein or carbohydrates,
        our  organs  protected,  keep  us  warm,  assist   are all common examples of saturated fats.   so a little will go a long way.
        with hormone synthesis, and much more. In   Coconut oil and palm oil are also considered   Source:
        addition, fats assist with satiety, so they can also   saturated fats. Saturated fats should be limited
        help you feel full.                  and consumed in moderation; conversely,
                                             unsaturated fats are a better choice and may   nutritionsource/2012/06/21/ask-the-expert-
        There are three types of fats – trans, saturated,                         healthy-fats/
        and unsaturated. Trans fats are associated with   improve heart health and reduce heart disease
        increased risks for heart disease, so it is best   risk. You find unsaturated fats in plant products
        to avoid them. Most trans fats were found   like nuts, seeds, oils, and fatty fish like salmon   what-should-you-eat/fats-and-cholesterol/
                                             and canned tuna.

           All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
           experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

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