Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletterSeptOct-2021.indd
P. 3

        If you are ever in a pickle as to what sport   a serving error. The  opposing player then
        to play, try pickleball! It is a fun activity that   gets the chance to serve, thus commencing a
        combines the likes of tennis, badminton,   volley of which is played out until either side
        and ping-pong. Perfect for all ages and   scores a point. The game concludes once a
        skill levels, this activity will surely keep you   player reaches eleven points.
        occupied for hours.                 Pickleball has a wide variety of health benefits,

        Pickleball can be played indoors and   not only physically but mentally. This sport
        outdoors, with each match consisting of two   is notorious for increasing your good mood
        teams, with one to two players on each side.   and releasing endorphins. Pickleball also
        The equipment required is minimal; all that   burns a significant amount of calories and can

        is needed is a 20’ x 44’ court, a net, paddles,   improve balance and agility, thus preventing
        and a pickleball. The paddles are a fusion   future injuries.
        between  a  tennis  racquet  and  a  ping  pong   Before  starting  pickleball,  check  with  your
        paddle, traditionally made from aluminum or   physician to ensure that this activity is right   ask the rdN:

        graphite. A pickleball resembles a Wi e ball,   for you.
        making it light and challenging to control                                DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR
        during a game.                      Source:                               MIXING UP THE FRUIT SNACKS
        In  pickleball, you  serve  the  ball diagonally,  I GIVE MY KIDS EVERY DAY? FRESH
        starting from the right side of the court.   pickleball-s/106.htm         FRUIT IS SOMETIMES HARD TO
        The ball must bounce on each player’s side  TAKE ALONG.

        before a volley can take place. The first server   social-benefi ts-of-pickleball/   Consider trying some of the freeze-dried
        continues to serve until they “fault” or have
                                                                                  fruits showing up on the grocery store shelves.

                                                                                  These  o er  an  alternative  to  fresh  fruit  and
                                                                                  sugar-packed fruit snacks with several options
                                                                                  like bananas, strawberries, peaches, or mango,
                                                                                  to name a few. Manufacturers take fresh fruit
                                                                                  and  remove  any  water  from  the  fruit,  which
                                                                                  leaves a crispy, sweet treat without added sugar
                                                                                  and preservatives. This alternative to fresh

                                                                                  fruit provides all the benefits but without the
                                                                                  challenge of transporting.

                                                                                  IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO BE GLUTEN
                                                                                  FREE TO HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT?
                                                                                  If someone has celiac disease or a wheat
                                                                                  allergy, a gluten-free diet is a necessity. If you
                                                                                  are trying to maintain your weight or lose
                                                                                  weight, avoiding gluten will not help with this
                                                                                  endeavor. Gluten-free foods tend to be just
                                                                                  as high in calories as their gluten-containing
                                                                                  counterparts. There are often more additives
                                                                                  in gluten-free foods too. It would be a better
                                                                                  idea to eat smaller portions of these foods.
                                                                                  By watching portions and increasing intakes
                                                                                  of  things  like  fruits  and  vegetables  and  lean
                                                                                  protein, you can balance your nutrient intake
                                                                                  and lead to successful weight maintenance or
                                                                                  weight loss.

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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