Page 4 - BrockCoNewsletterSeptOct-2021.indd
P. 4

Spice It Up: NUTMEG

        Nutmeg is a spice produced from the seed   use it to fl avor recipes in the fall because of
        of a type of evergreen tree found in tropical   its strong fl avor profi le. It is often used to
        environments. The aril surrounding the   fl avor baked goods, meat dishes, vegetables,
        seed is the spice known as mace. Upon   and to fl avor eggnog.
        removing the mace, the seed is dried in   Source:
        sunlight  and  takes  six  to  eight  weeks  to
        complete the drying process. The nutmeg
        will rattle inside the seed once the drying
        process is complete. It is then removed from
        the outer coat, ground-up, or packaged as
        a whole seed.

        Nutmeg is a sweet spice with a very
        distinctive smell with an intense fl avor and
        an aroma like no other.  We traditionally

        Trend Watch: LOW SUGAR BEVERAGES

        Recently there has been an infl ux of “Low   Sweetener  agents that may  negatively

        Sugar Beverages” hitting the store shelves   a ect your health if consumed in excess
        and refrigerators. From juice boxes to sodas,   sweeten these low sugar beverages. Be sure
        manufacturers advertise these items as lower   to read the label and look for sugar-free
        in sugar than their original counterparts. At   sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda, stevia,
        fi rst glance, these choices may seem like a   sugar alcohols (xylitol), or saccharin. These
        good idea. However, after further research,   ingredients are all processed, and some have
        these may not be the best choices.   recently hit store shelves. It is important to
                                             know what ingredients sweeten your drinks.
        Drinks like 100% juice contain sugar, but
        this sugar is considered a natural sugar,   Choosing beverages without added sugar,
        stemming from the fruit used to make the   like water, infused water, seltzer water,
        juice. Natural sugars do not negatively a ect   unsweetened iced tea, and 100% juice, are

        one’s  health  as  they  exist  in  fruits,  starchy   all better options to use when searching for
        vegetables, and dairy products. The “Total   a drink to quench your thirst.
        Sugars” line on a food label indicates these
        sugars. Sugary drinks like soda or sweetened   Source:
        iced tea have added sugars, and your intake
        of  these sugars should  be  moderate. The   artifi cial-sweeteners-good-or-bad#appetite-
        “Added Sugars” line on the food label will   amp-weight
        identify these sugars. If you drink sweetened
        beverages, then you should incorporate low
        sugar options into your intakes. However,
        consumption should be in moderation, just
        as their original counterparts.
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