Page 160 - January Financial Workbook
P. 160

Date: Apr 24, 2018             Towne Square Care of Puryear - SNF                                     Facility #
                 Time: 18:34:32 CT                          G/L Trial Balance
                 User: Zach Bell                             as of 1/31/2018                          Page # 2

                 Account Number    Account Description                                       Debits    Credits
                 43.40250.000      Managed - Pharmacy                                                  8,392.12
                 43.40400.000      Managed - PT                                                       11,365.44
                 43.40450.000      Managed - OT                                                       27,227.22
                 43.40500.000      Managed - ST                                                       14,749.03
                 43.40900.000      Managed - Anc. Contract. Adj.                           39,178.71
                 44.40100.000      Hospice - Room & Board                                            203,828.80
                 44.40110.000      Hospice - Contract. Adj.                                           21,884.54
                 44.40250.000      Hospice - Pharmacy                                                   22.10
                 44.40900.000      Hospice - Anc. Contract. Adj.                             22.10
                 46.40100.000      Asst. Living - Room & Board                                       127,177.62
                 48.40110.000      Med B - Contract. Adj.                                   6,167.18
                 48.40400.000      Med B - PT                                                         16,428.78
                 48.40450.000      Med B - OT                                                         34,012.28
                 48.40500.000      Med B - ST                                                         41,838.73
                 48.40900.000      Med B - Anc. Contract. Adj.                             38,069.86
                 48.40950.000      Med B - 2% Reduction                                      273.40
                 49.49611.000      Other Income - Interest                                              150.19
                 49.49911.000      Other Income - Miscellaneous                                        4,256.95
                 60.00201.001      Payroll Exp-Wages ALF-OT                                11,239.67
                 60.80085.000      Employee Screening & Hiring                               180.00
                 60.80165.000      Medical Director                                        16,187.50
                 60.80165.001      Medical Director-ALF                                     1,312.50
                 60.80170.000      Medical Records Expense                                   716.29
                 60.80180.000      Miscellaneous Expense                                    1,159.00
                 60.80200.000      Payroll Exp - Aide OT                                    5,943.03
                 60.80201.000      Payroll Exp - Wages-OT/MDS/RN                           16,779.98
                 60.80225.000      Payroll Exp - Wages - CNA                              177,656.21
                 60.80230.000      Payroll Exp - Wages - DON                               64,071.61
                 60.80245.000      Payroll Exp - Wages - LPN                              157,640.32
                 60.80250.000      Payroll Exp - Wages - MDS                               25,793.11
                 60.80275.000      Payroll Exp - Wages - RN                                33,214.07
                 60.80295.001      Payroll Exp-Wages-ALF                                   93,760.20
                 60.80420.000      Small equipment purchases                                 388.54
                 60.80435.000      Supplies - Incontinence                                  8,850.40
                 60.80435.001      Supplies - Incontinence-ALF                              1,483.48
                 60.80440.000      Supplies - Medical                                      16,311.95
                 60.80440.001      Supplies - Medical-ALF                                   2,323.08
                 60.80450.000      Supplies - Non-Medical                                   1,458.03
                 60.80450.001      Supplies - Non-Medical-ALF                                304.74
                 61.80045.000      Consultants - Dietary                                    1,757.50
                 61.80045.001      Consultants - Dietary-ALF                                 166.10
                 61.80080.000      Employee Function Expense                                 25.00
                 61.80085.000      Employee Screening & Hiring                               20.50
                 61.80095.000      Equipment Rental - Non-Medical                            206.43
                 61.80095.001      Equip Rental-Non-Medical-ALF                              29.20
                 61.80100.000      Food Supplements                                        11,731.96
                 61.80100.001      Food Supplements-ALF                                     1,416.58
                 61.80180.000      Miscellaneous Expense                                     330.00
                 61.80180.001      Miscellaneous Expense-ALF                                 70.00
                 61.80201.000      Payroll Exp - Wages-Dietary OT                           3,554.04
                 61.80280.000      Payroll Exp - Wages - Cooks                             51,719.82
                 61.80285.000      Payroll Exp-Wages-Diet Sup                              34,914.03
                 61.80385.000      Raw Food Expense                                        72,996.25
                 61.80385.001      Raw Food Expense-ALF                                    13,936.54
                 61.80400.000      Repairs & Maintenance - Equip                            1,462.49
                 61.80400.001      Repairs- Maintenance-Equip-ALF                            98.00
                 61.80420.000      Small equipment purchases                                1,872.30
                 61.80420.001      Small equipment purchases-ALF                             397.15
                 61.80430.000      Supplies - Chemicals                                     2,164.59
                 61.80430.001      Supplies - Chemicals-ALF                                  185.93
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