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             VOL. 193, NOS. 21–22  |  2019

         4 | Conversation        The View                  Features                                    Time Off               △
         6 | For the Record                                                                                                   Clothes dry on a
                                 Ideas, opinion,           Fight for the Future                        What to watch, read,    fence at a camp for
         The Brief               innovations               5G will connect to everything with a        see and do             displaced Yezidis
         News from the U.S.      23 | David French:                                                    81 | Movies: A         near Dohuk,
         and around the world    The danger of war         chip. And report to Beijing?                glorious Elton John    northern Iraq
                                 with Iran                 By Charlie Campbell 30                      biopic
         7 | The Democrats’
         dilemma on
         impeachment             25 | Ian Bremmer:         Nowhere to Go                               84 | Books: Patsy      Photograph
                                 The weak point of         The Rohingya Muslims endure                 chases the American    by Newsha
                                 Europe’s far right                                                    Dream; Wordslut’s      Tavakolian—
         9 | Taiwan legalizes                              life in exile By Feliz Solomon;                                    Magnum Photos
         same-sex marriage                                                                             vocab lessons; City
                                 26 | The threat of        photographs by James Nachtwey 40            of Girls embraces      for TIME
                                 low-quality generic                                                   women’s sexuality
         12 | Global trade
         makes it hard to buy    drugs                     After ISIS
         American                                          Healing Yezidi boys forced to fight         86 | Art: The
                                 28 | What                                                             Whitney Biennial;
                                 immigrants bring          for the caliphate                           JR’s San Francisco
         15 | Weighing what’s
         safe in sunscreen       with them                 By Kimberly Dozier 54                       mural

         16 | TIME with ...                               World Cup 2019                              92 | 7 Questions for
         actor Jeff Daniels                                                                            actor Niecy Nash
                                                           Alex Morgan is primed to lead the
         18 | Trump on the                                 U.S. women—on the field and in
         campaign trail                                    court By Sean Gregory 64                                           ON THE COVER:
                                                           The Rise of TikTok                                                 by Erik
                                                           An app that turns artists into viral                               Heck
                                                           stars By Andrew R. Chow 76                                         for TIME

         2     Time June 3–10, 2019
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