Page 6 - Time_International_2019
P. 6



          ROOTS OF INEQUALITY                like a failed past presidency
          Re “SouTh AfRicA’S DiviD-          and a structural complexity
          ing Line” [May 13]: There is a     inherent to changes.
          divide in South Africa, but it                       Carla Ferrari,
          is not a racist one. There are                    Shelly BeAch,
          rich whites, and there are rich                    SouTh AfRicA
          blacks; there are poor blacks,
          and there are poor whites.         millionS of AfRicAnS
          The evolution of a society         from all over have flooded
          from apartheid to total equal-     into South Africa for decades.
          ity does not happen peace-         That and political corruption
          fully overnight. Still, there is   are the real reasons for the
          a post-apartheid generation        inequality. You can produce
          of South Africans who are          many more “unequal” covers
          well-educated and talented         from other countries. Don’t
          and can see beyond color. The      just pick on South Africa.
          corruption in South Africa is,                  Guy T. Robertson,     also taught me how to pro-          and accept that not all your
          unfortunately, part of the pro-                       cApe Town       nounce his name: Boot-edge-         influential people are nec-
          cess of healing from the past.                                        edge.) We can all hope he           essarily an influence for
          Thankfully, it appears that        UNPRECEDENTED                      continues to set records.           good. But the shameless
          citizens of all races are using    Re “The new Guy”                                       Jay Gordon,     fluffing of some of your po-
          their votes to show that this      [May 13]: In Mayor Pete                           williTS, cAlif.      litical choices by their own
          is not acceptable. President       Buttigieg, Democrats have                                              personal sycophants takes
          Cyril Ramaphosa is an honor-       a serious contender who is         while i founD youR SToRy            what could have been rea-
          able man with a big job ahead.     young and ready to rum-            to be mostly fair-minded,           soned and critical journal-
          With public support, he is         ble, unlike the lethargic Joe      I was struck by the strong          ism into the realm of celeb-
          well equipped to take the          Biden and Bernie Sanders.          focus on Buttigieg’s being          rity porn. Donald Trump
          country forward.                   Let the seniors enjoy their        gay. This is out of step with       by Chris Christie—a man
                     Matthew Mc Kenna,        retirement—this energetic         most forward-thinking cov-          who once seemed to despise
                    clonmel, iRelAnD         presidential candidate is an       erage of him. I want to know        Trump but who now meekly
                                             honest and genuine leader.         more about his stance regard-       praises his art-of-the-deal
          i ReAD ThiS ARTicle wiTh                      Alfred Gauci Tonna,     ing social justice. I found this    gut as being more valid than
          utmost interest, but also with                    SliemA, mAlTA       aspect of the piece both re-        decades of diplomacy and
          dismay. Yes, there is much                                            vealing and rewarding. More         intelligence. Fail for Chris-
          too much inequality in South       i’ve ReAD TIME foR 65              of this kind of political inves-    tie! This was not a set of fair
          Africa. And I profoundly re-       years, always with great in-       tigating would have made the        appraisals.
          gret it, as I love this country    terest and satisfaction. Still,    article worthy of its complex             Martine Blyth-Passagez,
          very much and happen to            I didn’t expect to live long       and intriguing subject.                         eupen, BelGium
          know it very well since 20         enough to see a distinguished                     David Ciminello,
          years. But the article sticks      gay couple on the cover. But-                    poRTlAnD, oRe.
          mostly to general figures,         tigieg is certainly worthy of                                          SETTING THE RECORD
          while failing to explain the       attention. Congratulations to      TIME 100                            STRAIGHT  ▶  In “The New Guy”
          relation between causes and        the author for her extensive       Re “The 100 moST influ-             (May 13), we misstated the require-
                                                                                                                    ments to expand the U.S. Supreme
          effects of a hard economic         coverage of this remarkable        ential People” [April 29–           Court. Congress has the power to in-
          situation, leaving out factors     presidential candidate. (She       May 6]: I can understand            crease the number of Justices.

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