Page 11 - Time_International_2019
P. 11
accused of
refugee abuse
The Council of Europe,
a human-rights agency,
has found that asylum
seekers in Hungary
face widespread
abuse, including
being denied food. The
May 21 report, which
Hungary disputes, says
the anti-migrant stance
of Viktor Orban’s
nationalist government
has “undermined”
IN EBOLA’S GRIP Four Ebola victims were buried on May 17 in Butembo, Democratic Republic of refugee protections.
Congo, where the battle against the disease has been made even more hazardous by violence born of
mistrust. Locals skeptical of official warnings interrupted the ceremony, blocking and stoning health
workers until police intervened. Butembo is at the epicenter of an outbreak that has killed more than
1,200 people since August. Trump’s
EPA changes
pollution math
The Environmental Pro-
Marriage equality comes to tection Agency plans
Taiwan in a historic first for Asia to change how it cal-
culates the risks of air
pollution, the New York
Tens of Thousands of celebraTors GAPS REMAIN Human-rights group Am-
Times reported on
gathered outside Taiwan’s parliament on nesty International has said the law “falls May 20. The new
May 17, waving rainbow flags as the island’s short of genuine and full marriage equality,” model lowers the
government became the first in Asia to as it does not provide equal adoption rights. number of pre mature
legalize same-sex marriage. The move The law also does not recognize marriages deaths that can be
comes at a moment of change for LGBTQ to foreigners whose countries do not per- linked to pollution and
would likely allow the
rights in Asia: even as nations like India— mit same-sex marriage. Despite such limita- Trump Administration
whose Supreme Court decriminalized tions, the legislation gained the backing of to defend easing
homosexuality in 2018—have expanded LGBTQ groups, which saw it as the best op- regulations.
rights, others including Malaysia, Indonesia tion available for equality.
and Brunei have cracked down. Advocates
in the region now hope Taiwan’s example SURPRISE SUPPORT Chinese state media Swiss
can help tip the scales toward inclusion. tweeted a congratulatory message in sup- voters back
port of the law on May 18, but Taiwan’s gun control
OVERCOMING DIVISIONS While strongly lawmakers rebuked the praise, seeing it as
supported by President Tsai Ing-wen, an attempt by Beijing to take credit for the Switzerland will tighten
marriage equality provoked strong op- new law while diminishing their autonomy. its gun laws after
64% of voters backed
position from conservative and religious (The mainland views Taiwan, an island of tougher restrictions on
groups in Taiwan. Conservative lawmak- 23 million people that lies 112 miles off the automatic and semi
ers had tabled two rival bills proposing coast, as its sovereign territory.) The social automatic weapons in
same-sex unions, but the government’s own scuffle came amid a wave of censorship of a May 19 referendum.
legislation—the bill that passed—includes LGBTQ subjects on social media in China, The changes will bring
the non-E.U. nation,
the word marriage and grants same-sex where homosexuality is legal but same- in which nearly 48%
couples many of the same rights as hetero- sex marriages are not. Leaders weren’t the of households own a
sexual couples. About 200 same-sex cou- only ones talking about the news: posts gun, in line with E.U.
ples were reportedly planning a mass mar- about Taiwan’s law trended on the Chinese regulations adopted by
riage registration in Taipei on May 24, the micro blogging site Weibo, attracting over the bloc after the 2015
day the law comes into effect. 100 million views. —suyin haynes Paris terrorist attacks.