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P. 13
TheBrief Milestones
An ex-Somali colonel Herman Wouk
to pay $500,000 to
a victim in a 1988 The people’s choice
torture case, by a
Virginia civil court on when he enliSTed in The
May 21. Navy after Pearl Harbor, the
Bronx-born writer Herman
That Dutee Chand, Wouk discovered something:
India’s fastest a life beyond the “wise guys
female sprinter, is in of Broadway and the wise
a relationship with guys of Columbia—two small
a woman, by Chand worlds that sometimes take
on May 19. She
is India’s first out themselves for the whole
professional athlete. world,” as TIME quoted him
as saying in a 1955 cover story.
INTRODUCED The realization prompted
Karli, a Muppet
in foster care, by Wouk, who died May 17 at
Sesame Workshop, 103, to make a change in
the nonprofit behind his own life, from radio gag
Sesame Street. writer to novelist. Writing for
what he called the “common
The Eurovision song reader,” the observant Jew-
contest, by Duncan ish author strove for realism
Laurence of the Neth- and what he called “clarity of
erlands, on May 18 expression.” His best-known
at the event’s finale Pei at the Louvre in 1993; the pyramid he designed for the museum’s work, The Caine Mutiny—
in Tel Aviv.
entrance was controversial at first but has become a Paris landmark about sailors who overthrow
DROPPED their incompetent captain—
The U.S. birth DIED sold more than 3 million cop-
rate, for a fourth I.M. Pei ies in the U.S. alone and won
consecutive year.
The number of Modernist master the Pulitzer Prize for fiction
people born in the By Jeanne Gang in 1952. Though reviewers
U.S. in 2018 was the were lukewarm on much of
lowest in 32 years. moST people will remember i.m. pei for hiS culTurAl the rest of his work (more
and commercial works, like the glass pyramid at the Louvre than 20 books and plays, in-
in Paris and the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong. But in cluding several best sellers),
my city, Chicago, it is residential work that remains his lasting Wouk said he put more stock
contribution—and that helped secure his legacy as one of the in the opinion of the Ameri-
most influential architects of the 20th century. can public: “They’re good
In the late 1950s, Pei, who died May 16 at 102, undertook the enough to elect our Presi-
redevelopment of a portion of the Hyde Park neighborhood in dents, aren’t they?”
collaboration with Chicago architect Harry Weese. This was one —ciArA nugenT
of the largest urban- renewal projects of its time, and as with many
others, discrimination and displacement are an intractable part
of its story. But Pei and Weese’s design is notable for its context-
DIED sensitive approach, corresponding with Pei’s interest in a better
The Internet- famous model for reshaping cities.
feline known as
Grumpy Cat, her Their plan kept viable buildings in place, renovated others and
family said May 17. added new ones, avoiding the complete tabula rasa of much urban
renewal. Pei’s modern brick townhouses, with their welcoming
ANNOUNCED front doors (not their garages) facing the street, sit comfortably
That Ford Motor Co.
will cut 7,000 jobs beside older structures. And his University Apartments, a pair of
globally by the end towers longer than they are tall, mitigate the difference in scale
of August, according between old and new buildings. To visit the neighborhood today
to the carmaker on is to be reminded by Pei that modernism can adapt to its sur-
May 20. The plan will roundings without compromising boldness or innovation.
reduce the number of Wouk on the Sept. 5, 1955,
salaried employees Gang is an architect and a 2019 TIME 100 honoree cover of TIME
by 10%.