Page 17 - Time_International_2019
P. 17


         TheBrief Health

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                                                                                                                      Researchers at the Food
                                                                                                                      and Drug Administration
                                                                                                                      recently found that four of
                                                                                                                      the most common active
                                                                                                                      ingredients in sunscreens
                                                                                                                      can be absorbed through
                                                                                                                      the skin and appear in
                                                                                                                      the blood. The health
                                                                                                                      impacts are unclear, but it’s
                                                                                                                      concerning enough that the
                                                                                                                      agency has requested more
                                                                                                                      research on the effects of
                                                                                                                      sunscreen ingredients.
                                                                                                                         The FDA is finalizing new
                                                                                                                      regulations for evaluating
                                                                                                                      the safety of sunscreens,
                                                                                                                      and it found that only two
                                                                                                                      ingredients, zinc oxide
                                                                                                                      and titanium dioxide,
         A gender gap no                                      has lessened considerably, Ruch says. In 1975,          are generally safe and
                                                                                                                      effective. Two others, PABA
         one wants to close                                   boys 10 to 14 died by suicide 314% more                 and trolamine salicylate,
                                                              often than girls in that age range. By 2016,            have been linked to adverse
         By Jamie Ducharme                                    that number fell to 180%. For the 15-to-19 age          health effects and are

                                                              group, the gap between boys and girls nar-              unsafe, while 12 have not
         For decades, suicide-prevention                      rowed from 415% to 331%.                                been studied enough for
         experts have been stumped by a phenom-                  The data alone don’t explain why suicide             the agency to say anything
         enon known as the gender paradox. Though             rates are rising more swiftly for girls than            about their safety.
         girls report contemplating suicide more often        for boys, though the analysis does offer                   The FDA is expected
         than boys, and make more attempts, boys die          some hints. Historically, girls have been               to request more studies
         by suicide far more regularly. But new data,         more likely to attempt suicide by less deadly           on these 12 ingredients,
         drawn from four decades of public records            methods, like poisoning, while boys have                but until its final report
         and published in JAMA Network Open, sug-             more often used lethal means like firearms.             is submitted later this
         gest this gender gap is closing.                     Those tendencies help explain why girls                 year, the Environmental
            It’s “alarming,” says study co-author             outpace boys in suicide attempts while the              Working Group’s annual
         Donna Ruch, a researcher at Nationwide               reverse is true for deaths. But the recent              list of “best” sunscreens
         Children’s Hospital in                               analysis of Centers for Disease Control and             can be useful in sunscreen
                                                                                                                      shopping; it relies on
         Ohio. “On top of the fact                            Prevention records shows that young girls               similar criteria as the FDA.
         that females are thinking                            are increasingly using more lethal means of                             —Alice Park
         about suicide more and           13%                 suicide, such as hanging and suffocation.
         attempting suicide more,                                Adults can help kids of any gender by talk-
         now they’re actually com-        Annual increase     ing to them about suicide and mental health.
         pleting suicide.”                 in suicide rate    But Ruch says we need better gender- specific
            Starting in 2007, sui-        among girls ages    suicide- prevention strategies. For example,
         cide rates for girls ages            10 to 14        girls and young women are more likely to be
         10 to 14 began increas-                              diagnosed with depression and anxiety, while
         ing by 13%  annually, compared with 7% for           boys are more likely to display conduct or
         boys, according to the new study. For teens          aggressive- behavior disorders. Approaches
         15 to 19, the average annual increases were          that home in on these risk factors, Ruch says,
         8% for girls and 3.5% for boys. As a result, the     could help stymie the suicide trend across all
         gap between male and female suicide rates            demographics.                                   •

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