Page 19 - Time_International_2019
P. 19


          “It’s the most overcaffeinated city in the world. I                               doing Mockingbird on Broadway right now?”
          come here to relax.” He stands 6 ft. 3 in. and moves                                 The question might have been answered dif-
          through the park either unrecognized or too quickly                               ferently four years ago, when the U.S. had a black
          for anyone to snag him. “We’re walking!” he tells the                             President and Lee’s previously unpublished first
          dogs, when one pauses to snuffle.                           ‘Remind               novel, Go Set a Watchman, was about to be re-
             When he first left Michigan, Daniels threw a              us what              leased. The book includes the same trial featured
          guitar in the trunk. He still plays, often in public,        is honest,           in Mockingbird, but its version of Atticus sees no
          often with his son Ben, and usually his own songs.                                contradiction between defending a wrongly ac-
          He wrote the gentle “Hard to Hear the Angels                 remind               cused black man and sitting on a committee dedi-
          Sing” after reading a Kathleen Parker Washington             us what              cated to keeping the town’s African- American pop-
          Post column from November 2016, lamenting a                  decency              ulation subservient to its whites.
          public sphere where people talk past one another.            looks like.’            Sorkin’s Mockingbird focuses less on race than
             But Daniels also writes plays (for the Purple                                  on some electoral divide, with white liberals and
                                                                       JEFF DANIELS,
          Rose) and says that’s what lets him appreciate what          on what his          African Americans (chiefly Calpurnia, the maid)
          Sorkin, best known for The West Wing, has done               Broadway             assembled on one side, resentful whites on the
          with arguably America’s most treasured novel,                production           other. This Atticus gets into a physical tussle with a
          which still sells a million copies a year, never mind        of To Kill a         redneck, to cheers from the audience. Daniels sees
          the iconic 1962 film. The dry humor, specifically            does at its best     the hunger every night.
        AMY LOMBARD FOR TIME  the book,” he says. “Or take a Horton Foote screen-           again? What is ethical? Remind us what is honest,
                                                                                               “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “Remind us what’s right
          tailored for Daniels, is only part of it.
             “You can’t just sit up there in 24 chairs and read
                                                                                            remind us what decency looks like, remind us what
                                                                                            compassion looks like.”
          play and put it on the stage word for word. That
                                                                                               He shrugs. “Apparently we need reminding.”  
          feels like a money grab. What’s the added value of
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