Page 41 - Time_International_2019
P. 41


          recycling centers have re-             Workers sort through          a  strategy by  manufacturers     Stewardship Institute,
          ported an uptick in fires.            discarded electronics at       to force us into shorter and      which advocates for EPR
             Even when e-waste rules              ERI’s Fresno facility        shorter upgrade cycles,” said     laws. “But the United States
          exist, it’s left up to consum-                                       Kyle Wiens, the founder           is resisting any changes
          ers to handle their old de-                                          of iFixit, which publishes        to existing laws.”
          vices properly. But recycling         One solution is to make        do-it-yourself repair guides.        Even so, some compa-
          them can be a pain. Rather        electronics last as long as        Apple’s AirPods, for example,     nies are increasing their re-
          than just drop a used phone       they once did. At ERI’s facil-     may have trouble holding a        cycling efforts on their own,
          in a bin outside their homes,     ity, Shegerian showed TIME         charge after two years. Apple     whether for the economic
          lots of people have to take       dozens of televisions from         declined to comment.              benefit or the public rela-
          their electronics to a store,     the 1970s and 1980s that              Some environmental             tions boost (mining fresh
          which may pay them for it         stopped working only re-           groups say multibillion-          materials has financial, en-
          but could also charge them        cently. Yet instead, technol-      dollar companies like Apple       vironmental and human
          to get rid of it. Many con-       ogy companies are speeding         and Samsung should pick up        costs of its own). For in-
          sumers, paralyzed by the          the pace of obsolescence.          the cost of recycling the de-     stance, Apple in 2018 intro-
          hassle or put off by the ex-      Most smartphone batteries          vices they sell. Law makers       duced Daisy, a smartphone-
          pense, simply throw their         can’t be easily replaced when      in parts of Europe and Can-       recycling robot that can take
          devices into the trash or         they stop holding a charge,        ada and in some U.S. states       apart 200 iPhones every
          stash them in a drawer, hop-      new laptops don’t accept old       have passed so-called Ex-         hour, and says it diverted
          ing they’ll just disappear.       cables, and software compa-        tended Producer Respon-           48,000 metric tons of elec-
          “We don’t necessarily have        nies push upgrades that won’t      sibility (EPR) laws, which        tronic waste from landfills
          the measures to make sure         run on old devices. “Our           require manufacturers to          that year. But that’s a drop in
          people aren’t throwing it         products today don’t last as       establish and fund systems        the bucket compared with
                                                                               to recycle or collect obsolete
                                                                                                                 the 50 million tons of e-
          away,” Walters said.
                                            long as they used to, and it’s
        CHRISTIE HEMM KLOK FOR TIME                                            legislation levels the play-      year—a number that stands
                                                                                                                 waste generated globally last
                                                                               products. “Worldwide EPR
                                                                                                                 to skyrocket as consum-
                                                                               ing field, because this can-
                                                                                                                 ers replace their old devices
                                                                               not be done on a voluntary
                                                                                                                 with the newest 5G-ready
                                                                               basis,” said Scott Cassel,
                                                                                                                 gadgets money can buy.
                                                                               the founder of the  Product
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