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the New America think tank who regularly briefs Huawei technology IT infrastructure, were it not for the fact that citi-
Congress on China policy. “This is not just crippling on a Nemont cell zens of Hangzhou, Shanghai and Wuhan had all
on Huawei as a firm, but crippling on the entire con- tower outside been enjoying experimental 5G networks for
cept of global tech supply chains,” says Sacks. Scobey, Mont. months. In Fangshan, autonomous vehicles are al-
Huawei got a temporary reprieve on May 20, ready using 5G to transmit data to one another to
when the Commerce Department announced a avoid collisions.
90-day exemption. But the firm long ago began China’s edge in 5G is disorienting for the U.S.,
working on cutting out its reliance on U.S. mate- which is used to dominating new technology and
rials, producing its own semiconductor chips and the economic growth that accompanies it. If the U.S.
working on an alternative operating system to An- lags in 5G, does it lose the opportunity to birth the
droid. Hu Xijin, editor in chief of China’s state-run next Amazon, the next Netflix, the next Uber? Up
Global Times, tweeted May 21 that the blacklisting until now, the status quo has been that American
was “a real turning point” for “U.S. semiconductor tech companies innovate while Chinese companies
companies gradually losing [the] Chinese market.” duplicate, but that has much to do with infrastruc-
This tech cold war matters because it could slow tural advantages in the U.S., along with world-class
down or dramatically alter the rollout of a technol- universities and easy access to capital. What does it
ogy that is likely to define the future of the Inter- Huawei founder mean if the U.S. doesn’t have that advantage? What
and CEO
net for the next decade—the 5G networks in which Ren Zhengfei if the next Apple or Microsoft—trillion-dollar giants
Huawei has all but cornered the market. The race to ▽ that alter the global landscape with every decision
roll out 5G is the most consequential fight for global they make—comes out of China?
technological supremacy since the U.S. battled the 5G means a lot more than just another bar on your
Soviet Union to put a man on the moon. The winner cell phone. The hop from 3G to 4G meant we went
will take home billions, if not trillions, in profits and from being able to read an article on our phones to
gain a powerful seat at the table in creating the in- being able to stream a movie. But the leap from 4G
frastructure for the next billion Internet users. And to 5G will mean an exponential rise in download
right now, it looks like the U.S. is losing. and upload speeds across every Internet- connected
device you own, the ability to connect those de-
he fifth generation of network vices to a single network easily and the ability
T technology arrived in the U.S. on to off-load computing to the cloud. It’s not only
April 3 in Chicago and Minneapolis. the most significant shift in computing since the
It would have been a banner day for American smartphone, it will also enable huge advances in
34 Time June 3–10, 2019