Page 31 - Time_International_2019
P. 31
country on the planet. two of her friends from the elite Sophia
Indian Americans are the most suc- College, going to her uncle’s house for
cessful ethnicity in the U.S.: we have the dinner. In a month, she was to get her
highest median incomes and the high- bachelor of arts, in philosophy and
est educational attainment. Seventy- French, after her final exams. She was
seven percent of us over the age of 25 confident of the results; she was a good
have a college degree (which is 2½ times writer, and her essays would be shown
the American rate); more than half of around as a model for other students.
college-educated Indians in America She had married my father the previous
have a postgraduate degree. We are 8% year and was now five months pregnant
of America’s doctors. Up to a fifth of all with me.
startups in Silicon Valley were founded The taxi pulled into a petrol pump
by Indians. to get refueled, and her friends insisted
As a minority, we are the model. that she move to the middle because
But it’s not because Indians are some she was pregnant. The taxi drove out
sort of master race; if that were the of the pump, and a drunk driver came
case, what explains India? America speeding down, broadsiding the taxi.
skims off the “creamy layer,” as we Her friend sitting near the window had
used to call the elite of the lower multiple fractures. The friend sitting
castes in India, from other nations. on the other side was also hurt, and the
Most of the immigrants who come taxi was totaled. But my mother seemed
here are substantially better educated to be largely unhurt, except for some
and richer than the countrymen they bleeding around the hip.
left behind. We do not come empty- The doctor told her this. He also said,
handed, mine host! “If it was my own sister, I would tell her
not to sit for the exams,” which involved
truMp and Jared Kushner have sitting for six hours at a stretch, and
proposed a new immigration plan that now there was this accident. “You
would change the family- based sys- can take the exams if you want, but
tem to a “merit”- based system in which it could be risky for the baby.” So my
skills, knowledge of English and an abil- mother rested in bed for some time,
immigrants we let in to work and pay ity to assimilate will take precedence then went to Kolkata to join my father,
into the system, the more likely retirees over family connections. In 2017, two- and had me. But of course studying was
are to not have to open cans of dog food thirds of the 1.1 million green cards that impossible for a new mother. She never
for their dinner. America’s problem, in America gave out went to relatives of got her B.A. She had never mentioned
the years ahead, isn’t going to be that U.S. residents; only 12% were attained this incident to me until now.
too many people are coming here. It’s through employment. So I said it, in my parents’ car, as
going to be that too few might want to. If America’s immigration system were we were coming up to the George
Just as America mines bauxite or cop- to be based on “points”—if it lifted its Washington Bridge, 36 years after the
per from foreign countries, it has, until lamp only to the highly skilled—then my accident: “You gave up your college
Donald Trump, been good at finding the own family and those of many other In- degree for me.”
human resources it needs abroad. Take dians would never have been allowed in. “Yes,” she replied. “But it was worth
India, for instance, where I grew up until I am in the U.S. as a result of “family re- it, because I got ... you.”
I moved to the U.S. at age 14. Unlike unification,” or what Trump calls “chain My mother is, like most immigrants,
the British, the U.S. isn’t directly impli- migration.” We haven’t taken a dime in an ordinary hero. Like most immigrants
cated in the plight of India, where levels welfare. When we needed money, we with kids, she wants what parents
of malnutrition among its children are borrowed from family. For immigrants, want: a better life for her children,
some of the highest in the world. But it the family isn’t a chain. It’s a safety net. for whom a college degree is the least
benefits, as the British did, from having My mother came here in 1977 be- of the things she is prepared to give
Indian immigration. We are the third cause her sister in Detroit, a U.S. citi- up. The most American of values is
largest immigrant group (after Mexicans zen, sponsored her and her husband and family. When we allow family to be
and Chinese)—there are over 4 million their three small children. My mother reunified, we will find merit in the most
of us in the U.S. Starting in 2013, more wouldn’t have gotten a visa based on unexpected places.
Indians than Mexicans have entered the her skills. Because, as I discovered re-
U.S. We are recent arrivals; only 31% of cently, my mother never finished her Adapted from Mehta’s forthcoming book,
us were born here. But we made up for college degree. This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant’s
lost time. In 2016, India sent more im- In March 1963, in Mumbai, my Manifesto, published by Farrar, Straus
migrants to the U.S. than did any other mother was in the back of a taxi with and Giroux