Page 27 - Time_International_2019
P. 27


         The E.U.’s far right struggles to govern                                                                  TECHNOLOGY

         By Ian Bremmer                                                                                            What a gender-
                                                                                                                   swapping filter

                                                                                                                   doesn’t show
                              iT’s a big momenT           the far-right opposition Alternative for
                              for Europe’s most           Germany party from pulling away her                      A new filter on Snapchat
                              ambitious populists.        party’s voters in part by tacking to the                 lets users alter images
                              They hope that elec-        right on the immigration policies that                   of themselves to look
                              tions for the European      have undermined Merkel’s popularity.                     like a different gender,
                              Parliament will give        But she has also tried to force Merkel into              spawning countless jokes
                              them the boost they         early retirement, a plan that has backfired              across social media.
         need to extend their political momentum          and now threatens her position within                    Snapchat says the feature
         across the E.U. But in Austria they got off      her party.                                               is intended to help users
         to a rough start because of an embarrass-           In France and Italy, center-right                     express themselves. But
         ing video.                                       parties have made poor attempts to                       for the trans and nonbinary
            The details of that case are as               imitate anti-E.U. and anti-migrant                       community, it’s more
         ludicrous as they are damning. Vice              language and policies that alienate                      complicated.
         Chancellor and leader of the far-right           centrist voters and make them appear                        “My first thought was,
         Freedom Party Heinz-Christian Strache            to be pale imitations of more aggressive                 ‘Oh my gosh, this is going
         was caught offering lucrative                                conservative rivals, who                     to make so many people
         government contracts to a               For many,            benefit by the comparison. In                realize they’re trans!’” Cat
         woman he believed to be the             the video            Spain, the rise of the populist              Graffam, an artist and trans
                                                                                                                   woman, says. “You’re able
         niece of a powerful Russian                                  Vox party has pulled the more                to see yourself in a way you
         oligarch in exchange for               confirmed             moderate People’s Party and                  didn’t think was possible.”
         her willingness to buy an              that much             Ciudadanos party to the right,               But Graffam also found
         Austrian newspaper and                 of Europe’s           splitting the right-wing vote                the feature that allowed
         shift its editorial position to         far right            in ways that helped a center-                her to see herself as a
         favor his party just before           is, or would           left party finish first in the               man “unsettling” because
         an election. For many, this           like to be, on         country’s most recent national               she’s “spent the past five
         episode confirmed two things:         the Russian            elections.                                   years trying to feminize my
         much of Europe’s far right               payroll                But still the glaring, and                appearance.”
         is, or would like to be, on                                  most consequential, example                     Andre Cavalcante, a
         the Russian payroll, and                                     of a center-right party’s                    professor at the University
         its charismatic leaders lack basic good          miscalculating how best to manage a                      of Virginia who studies
         judgment.                                        challenge from the right comes from the                  the media and gender,
            The next development says some-               decision by then Prime Minister David                    writes in an email that he
         thing about the predicament facing               Cameron to beat back criticism from                      worries about how the
           center-right parties as they try to beat       the fledgling U.K. Independence Party                    filter oversimplifies gender.
         back attempts by the far right to steal          by calling for a public referendum on                    “Men have broad chins
         their voters. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz,         Britain’s continued membership in the                    and facial hair. Women are
                                                                                                                   posed in soft lighting (for no
         chairman of the center-right Austrian            E.U. The punishment his Conservative                     apparent reason) and have
         People’s Party, spotting an opportunity          Party has taken following the Brexit                     small, delicate features,”
         to test its far-right coalition partner with     vote and the inability to deliver on its                 he says. “In this way, gender
         voters, called for new elections. That’s         result has only just begun. An angry                     is reduced to a mask or a
         smart politics, but while the result may         Briton doused Brexit champion Nigel                      costume, something that
         temporarily strengthen the center right          Farage with a banana and salted-                         can change with (literally) a
         at the far right’s expense, it doesn’t solve     caramel milkshake on May 20, but it’s                    snap.” —Tara Law
         the larger problem that voters are anxious       the Conservatives who are taking the
         and angry at mainstream politicians who          biggest hit.
         they believe don’t have their best inter-           Europe’s populists are so far better at
         ests at heart.                                   campaigning than at governing, and some
            Across Europe, mainstream                     of its leaders are more prone to poor judg-
         conservatives continue to wrestle with           ment than their mainstream competitors.
         this problem, but they would be wise to          But far-right politicians haven’t simply
         do so carefully. In Germany, Annegret            invented anti-E.U., anti-migrant anger,
         Kramp-Karrenbauer, Chancellor Merkel’s           and those who would deny them votes
         likely successor, has tried to prevent           still struggle to answer this challenge.  
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