Page 28 - Time_International_2019
P. 28


         TheView Health

         The worldwide

         threat of

         generic drugs

         By Katherine Eban

         For The 16 years ThaT Dr. Brian
         Westerberg, a Canadian surgeon, worked
         volunteer missions at the Mulago Na-
         tional Referral Hospital in Kampala,
         Uganda, scarcity was the norm. The pa-
         tients usually exceeded the 1,500 allot-
         ted beds. Running water was once cut
         off when the hospital was unable to pay
         its bills. Patients often couldn’t access
         the medication they needed, so on some
         early trips, Westerberg brought drugs
         over from Canada. But as low-cost ge-
         nerics made in India and China became
         widely available through Uganda’s gov-
         ernment and international aid agencies
         in the early 2000s, it seemed at first like
         the supply issue had been solved.
            Then on Feb. 7, 2013, Westerberg ex-        drug companies in countries like India         manufactured in China, contained a
         amined a feverish 13-year-old boy who          and China can produce low-cost, high-          probable carcinogen once used in the
         had fluid oozing from an ear infection.        quality drugs for markets around the           production of liquid rocket fuel. But the
         He suspected bacterial meningitis but          world. These companies have been               patients who suffer most are those in
         couldn’t confirm because the CT scan-          hailed as public-health heroes for giv-        so-called R.O.W. markets—the generic-
         ner was broken. The boy was given in-          ing the impoverished access to the same        drug industry’s shorthand for “rest of
         travenous ceftriaxone, an antibiotic that      cures as the wealthy.                          world.” In swaths of Africa, Southeast
         Westerberg thought would cure him.                But many of the generic-drug compa-         Asia and other areas with developing
         But after four days, the ear was worse. As     nies that Americans and Africans alike         markets, some companies have made
         Westerberg prepared to operate, the boy        depend on, which I spent a decade in-          a cold calculation: they can sell their
         had a seizure. With the CT scanner work-       vestigating, hold a dark secret: they ad-      lowest-quality drugs where they will be
         ing again, Westerberg ordered a scan,          just their manufacturing                                   least likely to get caught.
         which revealed abscesses in the boy’s          standards depending on           They can sell                In much of Africa, for in-
         skull, likely caused by the infection.         the country buying their          their lowest-            stance, pharmaceuticals used
            When a neurosurgeon looked at the           drugs, a practice that           quality drugs             to come from more developed
         images and declared that surgery was           could endanger not just                                    countries, through donations
         unnecessary and the swelling and ab-           those who take the lower-      where they will             and small purchases. So when
         scesses would abate with effective anti-       quality medicine but the         be least likely           Indian drug reps offering
         biotic treatment, Westerberg was con-          population at large.             to get caught             cheap generics started arriv-
         fused. They had already treated the boy           These companies send                                    ing, the initial feeling was pos-
         with ceftriaxone, which hadn’t worked.         their highest-quality drugs to markets         itive. But Africa soon became an avenue
         His confusion deepened when his col-           with the most vigilant regulators, like the    “to send anything at all,” said  Kwabena
         league suggested they switch to a more         U.S. and the E.U. They send their worst        Ofori-Kwakye, an associate professor
         expensive version of the drug. Why swap        drugs—made with lower-quality ingre-           in the pharmaceutics department at the
         one ceftriaxone for another?                   dients and less scrupulous testing—to          Kwame Nkrumah University of Science
            Most people assume that a drug is           countries with the weakest review.             and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana. The
         a drug—that the brand-name or a ge-                                                           poor quality has affected every type of
         neric version of it is the same anywhere       The U.S. drUg SUpply is not im-                medication, and the adverse impact on
         in the world, so long as it’s made by a        mune to quality crises. Over the past 10       health has been “astronomical,” he said.
         reputable drug company that has been           months, dozens of versions of the ge-             Multiple doctors I spoke to through-       Z ACHARY Z AVISL AK FOR TIME
         inspected and approved by regulators.          neric blood-pressure drugs valsartan,          out the continent said they have adjusted
         That, at least, is the logic that has driven   losartan and irbesartan have been re-          their treatment in response, sometimes
         the global generic-drug revolution: that       called. The active ingredients in some,        tripling recommended doses. Dr.  Gordon

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