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While the public is tracking the fact that “I’m not somebody that wants to go into war.”
tensions with Iran are rising, it does not know This is characteristic. Trump has often moved
precisely why. On May 5, National Security from hawk to dove and from dove to hawk. SHORT
Adviser John Bolton announced that the Ad- Just look at his shifting stances on Syria and
ministration had ordered a carrier strike North Korea. ▶ Highlights
from stories on
group to the Persian Gulf region, allegedly in After the Mueller report and a May 15 story
response to unspecified Iranian threats. On by the Atlantic both depicted a White House
May 13, the New York Times reported that the where aides slow-walk or disobey Trump’s What won’t
White House was reviewing updated mili- orders, it is also worth wondering who is rat- save Roe
tary plans that could send a total of 120,000 tling the saber. Bolton’s hostility against Iran
troops to the Middle East—which would near is long-standing. He has a command of his- When it comes to
the total at the height of the Iraq War. Then tory and the facts that the President lacks, continuing abortion
access in America,
on May 15, the and tactical deci-
State Department sions made short “anyone grasping
for optimism is
ordered all “non- of war can ratchet mistaken,” write
emergency” per- up tensions more Kathryn Kolbert and
sonnel out of Iraq. than the President Linda J. Wharton, who
This is happen- understands. were co-counsels on
the 1992 Supreme
ing in the after- I am not arguing Court case Planned
math of the Ad- that Trump’s ad- Parenthood v. Casey.
ministration’s 2018 visers would dare They urge pro-choice
decision to pull out initiate outright voters “to do more
of the Iran nuclear hostilities without than vent your alarm on
social media.”
deal and, later, to his approval. But
designate Iran’s a nation cannot
Revolutionary Bolton said deploying aircraft carriers to the Middle properly prepare
Guards Corps a ter- East was a “clear and unmistakable message” for serious con- A tragedy’s
rorist organization. flict without assur- second act
On May 21, the Administration finally ance that the Commander in Chief is in actual
Sri Lankan novelist
briefed Congress on the alleged nature of the command. Anuk Arudpragasam
Iranian threats, yet the briefing left lawmakers In the aftermath of the intelligence fears that the Easter
divided. While Republican Lindsey Graham failures in Iraq, Americans should have Sunday killings, if
called the intelligence a “game changer,” key a healthy skepticism of military action overtaken by a global
narrative rooted in
Democrats were unimpressed. The public, justified by intelligence reports that leave Islamophobia, will help
meanwhile, remains largely in the dark. Congress profoundly divided. And given the nation’s majority
Trump’s fundamental dishonesty and population evade its
It’s Important to be clear about the alarming ignorance, Americans should have own history of violence.
gravity of the situation. War with Iran would zero assurance that their President or his He writes, “It is easier
sometimes to follow a
represent a military challenge far more sub- Administration is accurately describing the script, after all, even
stantial than toppling the Taliban or Saddam nature of the Iranian threat. when it comes at the
Hussein. Iran’s military is intact. It has sub- While Americans deployed abroad have the cost of peace.”
stantial missile assets and considerable ability inherent right of self-defense, the U.S. should
to attack American forces directly and through not engage in offensive military action with-
proxy forces throughout the Middle East and out congressional approval. The President Making
perhaps well beyond. cannot tolerate acts of terrorism against U.S. parenting fair
I served in Iraq during the surge, deployed forces, but the American people cannot toler-
close to the Iranian border. My squadron sadly ate an unconstitutional war. While reporting for her
experienced firsthand the lethality of Iran- Now is not the time to trust an untrust- recent book, All the
allied militias. American forces struggled to worthy Administration. But now is exactly the Rage, psychologist
Darcy Lockman found
suppress these forces throughout the Iraq con- time for Congress to reassert its constitutional
flict, and they represent but one component of authority. Merely receiving an intelligence into a trap that often
the overall Iranian threat. briefing is not enough. The message to the results in working
The President, meanwhile, is mercurial— Trump Administration should be bipartisan women continuing
even in his national-security pronounce- and emphatic. There can be no new war with- to do far more of the
ments. While Trump disputed the Times out informed congressional consent. child care than their
husbands: They tell
report, on May 19, he both tweeted, “If Iran themselves, “[We’ll]
wants to fight, that will be the official end of French is a TIME columnist, lawyer and senior fix it later.”
Iran,” and said in a taped Fox News interview, fellow at the National Review Institute
24 Time June 3–10, 2019