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         TheView Immigration

         We do not come to

         America empty-handed

         By Suketu Mehta

         AmericA hAs succeeded, And Achieved iTs presenT
           position of global dominance, because it has always been good
         at importing the talent it needs.
            Immigrants are 14% of the U.S. population, but they started
         a quarter of all new businesses and earned over a third of all
         the Nobel Prizes in science given to those affiliated with U.S.
         universities. One of four U.S. tech companies established
         from 1995 to 2005 had an immigrant founder, CEO, president
         or chief technology officer, and by one analysis about 71%
         of Silicon Valley tech workers are immigrants. The numbers
         are even more impressive at the top: of the 25 biggest public
         tech companies in 2013, 60% were founded by immigrants
         or their children, such as Apple’s Steve Jobs, son of a Syrian
         immigrant, and Google’s Sergey Brin, who came from Russia
         at the age of 6.
            In 2008, Bill Gates stated before Congress that for every
         tech worker the country lets in, five American jobs are created.
         Over half of all billion- dollar tech startups have an immigrant
                               founder. Today they employ half a million
                               Americans. Immigrants or their children
         For                   founded 43% of the 2017 Fortune 500
         immigrants,           companies, which employed more than
         the family            12 million people worldwide in 2016.
         isn’t a                  To shut off this incredible well-
         chain. It’s a         spring of talent would be to cut off
         safety net              America’s brain to spite its muscles.                     △          80% of the benefits you’re entitled to.
                                 Because that talent has an increasing              Newly sworn-in        One way this financial Armageddon
                               number of  countries vying to get it to               U.S. citizens    can be averted, according to a report by
         come to their shores.                                                       on Jan. 22 in    the trustees of the Social Security Ad-
            As the populations of developed countries get older, they                Lowell, Mass.    ministration, is to increase immigration,
         need the vigor of immigrants all the more, because they are                                  illegal as well as legal. Because immigrant
         young. Immigrants in the U.S. are some 14% of the popula-                                    workers are younger, they will work lon-
         tion but constitute 16.9% of the workforce, and these work-                                  ger and pay more into the system. Ac-
         ers are younger than native-born workers. Half of Americans                                  cording to a 2013 projection, immigrants,
         are over 40, and the U.S. will become a nation of geezers as the                             both legal and illegal, will contribute half
         baby boomers retire. And most immigrants don’t come here                                     a trillion dollars into the Social Security
         with their parents, so their Social Security taxes go toward pay-                            trust fund over the following 25 years.
         ing for others’ parents. Immigrants also have more children                                  Over the following 75 years, they will
         than the native-born, so their children will continue subsidiz-                              contribute at an even faster rate, for an
         ing both the graying native-born and their increasingly less                                 estimated total of $4 trillion.
         fecund children.
            Americans are retiring in larger numbers, and they’re living                              Much of this Money will dispropor-
         longer. In 1960, there were about five workers paying Social                                 tionately benefit the native-born. Most
         Security taxes for every retiree or disabled person receiving                                undocumented immigrants pay into the
         benefits; by 2013, there were fewer than three. And Americans                                system but are ineligible for most bene-
         aren’t making enough babies. In 2018, the U.S. fertility rate                                fits. According to the Social Security Ad-
         fell for the fourth straight year, to 1.7 babies per woman; the                              ministration, undocumented immigrants
         replacement rate is 2.1.                                                                     paid $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010      JOSEPH PREZIOSO — AF P/GET T Y IMAGES
            Starting next year, the Social Security Administration will                               and received only $1 billion in benefits.
         spend more money than it collects. By 2035, its $2.9 trillion                                    Immigration reduces the Social
         reserves will be completely gone, and the Administration                                     Security deficit by hundreds of billions
         will only have enough money coming in to pay you                                             of dollars; the greater the number of

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