Page 29 - Time_International_2019
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          Donnir, former head of the psychiatry          useless, Nickerson said. He and Wester-        microbes go on to reproduce, creating
          department at the Komfo Anokye teach-          berg published a case report in the CDC’s      a new generation of pathogens capable
          ing hospital in Kumasi, treats middle-         Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.         of resisting even fully potent, properly
          class Ghanaians in his private practice        Although they couldn’t say with cer-           made medicine. In 2011, during an out-
          and says that almost all the drugs his pa-     tainty that the boy had died because of        break of drug-resistant malaria on the
          tients take are substandard, leading him       substandard ceftriaxone, their report of-      Thailand-Cambodia border, USP’s chief
          to increase his patients’ doses signifi-       fered compelling evidence that he had.         of party in Indonesia, Christopher Ray-
          cantly. While his European colleagues                                                         mond, strongly suspected substandard
          typically prescribe 2.5 mg of haloperidol      Some companieS claim ThaT while                drugs as a culprit. Treating patients with
          (a generic form of Haldol) several times       their drugs are all high-quality, there        drugs that contain a little bit of active in-
          a day to treat psychosis, he’ll prescribe      may be some variance in how they are           gredient, as he put it, is like “putting out
          10 mg, also several times a day, because       produced because regulations differ            fire with gasoline.”
          he knows 2.5 mg “won’t do anything.”           from market to market. But Patrick H.             USP is so concerned about this issue
          Donnir once gave 10 times the typical          Lukulay, former vice president of global       that in 2017 it launched the Quality In-
          dose of diazepam (a generic form of Va-        health impact programs for USP (for-           stitute, which funds research into the
          lium) to a 15-year-old boy, an amount          merly U.S. Pharmacopeia), one of the           link between drug quality and resis-
          that should have knocked him out. The          world’s top pharmaceutical standard-           tance. In 2018, Boston University bio-
          patient was “still smiling,” Donnir said.      setting organizations, calls that argu-        medical engineering professor Muham-
             Many hospitals also keep a stash            ment “totally garbage.” For any given          mad Zaman studied a commonly used
          of what they call “fancy” drugs—               drug, he says, “there’s only one stan-         antibiotic called rifampicin that, if not
          brand-name drugs or higher-quality             dard, and that standard was set by the         manufactured properly, yields a chemi-
          generics —to treat patients who should         originator,” meaning the brand-name            cal substance called rifampicin qui-
          have recovered after a round of treatment      company that developed the product.            none when it degrades. When Zaman
          but didn’t. Confronted with the boy at            It’s not just those in developing mar-      subjected bacteria to this substance, it
          the Mulago hospital, Westerberg’s col-         kets who should be alarmed. Often, sub-        developed mutations that helped it re-
          leagues swapped in the more expensive          standard drugs do not contain enough           sist rifampicin and other similar drugs.
          version of ceftriaxone and added more          active ingredient to effectively cure sick     Zaman concluded that substandard
          drugs to the treatment plan. But it was        patients. But they do contain enough to        drugs are an “independent pillar” in the
          too late. In the second week of his treat-     kill off the weakest microbes while leav-      global menace of drug resistance.
          ment, the boy was declared brain-dead.         ing the strongest intact. These surviving         The low cost of generic drugs makes
             Westerberg’s Ugandan colleagues                                                            them essential to global public health.
          were not surprised. Their patients fre-                                                       But if those drugs are of low quality,
          quently died when treated with drugs                                                          they do more harm than good. For years,
          that should have saved them. And there                   By the numbers                       politicians, regulators and aid workers
          were not enough “fancy” drugs to go                                                           have focused on ensuring access to these
          around, making every day an exercise in                                                       drugs. Going forward, they must place
          triage. It was also hard to keep track of                                                     equal value on quality, through an exact-
          which generics were not to be trusted,                      90%                               ing program of unannounced inspec-
          said one doctor in western Uganda: “It’s                                                      tions, routine testing of drugs already
          anesthesia today, ceftriaxone tomorrow,                                                       on the market and legal enforcement
          amoxicillin the next day.”                              of prescriptions filled in the        against companies manufacturing sub-
             Westerberg flew back to Canada                          U.S. are generic drugs             par medicine. One model is the airline
          and teamed up with Jason Nickerson,                                                           industry, which through international
          a respiratory therapist who’d had simi-                                                       laws and treaties has established global
          lar experiences with bad medicine in                      80%                                 standards for aviation safety.
          Ghana. They decided to test the chemi-                                                           Without something similar for safe
          cal properties of the generic ceftriaxone                                                     and effective drugs, the twin forces of
          that had been implicated in the Ugandan                of active ingredients in brand-        subpar medicine and growing drug re-
                                                                    name and generic drugs
          boy’s death. Another of Westerberg’s col-               come from outside the U.S.            sistance will be so destructive that no
          leagues brought him a vial from the Mu-                                                       country will be able to ignore them.
          lago hospital pharmacy. The drug had                                                          As Elizabeth Pisani, an epidemiologist
          U.S. and other developed markets. When  1,021                                                 who has studied drug quality in Indo-
          been made by a manufacturer in north-
          ern China, which also exported to the
                                                                                                        nesia, put it, “The fact is, pathogens

          they tested it at Nickerson’s lab, it con-                                                    know no borders.”
                                                                  generic drugs received FDA
          tained less than half the active drug in-                    approval in 2018                 Eban is the author of Bottle of Lies: The
          gredient stated on the label. At such low                                                     Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom,
          concentration, the drug was basically                                                         from which this essay is adapted

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