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Parkside Football Club 1897/2017
At first glance, the history of the local football club may seem deceptively
inapplicable to any kind ofpublishing. However, local sporting clubs have a
significant impact on both the individuals who areactively involved in clubs
and the wider community.Therefore, we as the custodians of this great
club are responsible for preserving memories for those who have served
Parkside Football club andkept the community socially cohesive and
Thus, there is no better way to define Parkside’s 120 year existence than by referring to
Herb Pascarl’s brief history of the football club.
Pascarl selflessly served the football club and the local community by putting his heart
and soul in his volunteering work, organisation and the mobilisation of community
resources. Pascarl leaves us a legacy, demonstrating that life is best lived in service to
others, with passion and integrity.
Recorded and published in the best manner of the written oral history, this booklet reveals how
the values of the local football club are derived from a vibrant community and how these
principles extend beyond sport for sport’s sake, passing crucial, social and ethical values for
generations to come.
Once a Parksider, Always a Parksider