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Parkside Football Club 1897/2017
The Stockbridge was built in 1941 so that stock purchased from the Newmarket Saleyards could be
driven across the bridge to Newells paddock rather than along the public road. The materials for the
bridge came from a footbridge that had spanned the Yarra River at Punt Road from 1899 to 1938.”
Newell's Paddock
“Newell’s Paddock in the 1870’s was a magnet for young Footscray boys who gathered mushrooms
and caught yabbies in the two large waterholes. Legend has it that that the boys also swam in the
waterholes. This practice was probably discontinued into the 1880’s when the paddock’s owner, local
contractor and businessman, David Newell, used it as a night soil dump. For a while at the end of the
nineteenth century, Newell’s Paddock was Parkside Football Club’s home ground.”
“The first Secretary was W. Dunne or Bunne and (Chilla) Blake was Captain. Many great games were
played on this ground and were Premiers three years running in 1899, 1900 and 1901 defeating
North Kensington, North Melbourne Stars, and Carlton Blues in that order.
Some great players in those years were Buff Stead to University later called Carlton, Corker Groves to
Footscray and Essendon, Tommy Caines to Essendon and Albert Pascarl and Frank Trythall to
Footscray 2nd. From 1903 to 1909, three flags were won, defeating North Stars, Ascot Vale and
Mooney Valley.” (H.Pascarl)
Once a Parksider, Always a Parksider