Page 7 - Mend Insert
P. 7
Scene I: Mend
We may be broken, but we can mend. Come fall in love with me again. Your heart I will defend. We can mend.
I will love you all of the time. I won’t always get it right.
DARCY My dear, this is where I stand. You cannot pretend,“we can mend”. With your dissective art you took out my heart in the dark.
ELWIN & DARCY I will love you all of the time. I won’t always get it right. We can mend our sorrow and our sin, just let me die so we begin.
DARCY So cold—claimed by the same fire that warmed by soul, bring water not liquor. The fire in your heart burned thicker; nothing left.
I will love you all of the time. I won’t always get it right Exit DARCY
Scene II: Hold On
ELWIN I wouldn’t trade this pain for an ounce of happiness, and I will not fake a smile just to say I’m alright. I will hold on to my God, Jesus Christ. I will hold on in the dark to that light
I know the man you see, when you look my way. You don’t have to tell me because I already know. I am all the things that I don’t want to be. I am all of it, and none of it is me
Iamnot the love; I am the pain. You are the constant, I’m the change. Show me what’s more clear than this love and I’ll turn my back
Iamnot the love; I am the pain. You are the constant, I’m the change. Show me what’s more clear than this love and I’ll turn my back. I’ll turn my back. I’d turn my back
But for you, I’ll hold on Exit ELWIN
My love, this is not the end.