Page 18 - Nate Fitch, Ron Funderburke "Climbing Knots"
P. 18

nylon ropes have dynamic properties. Climbing ropes
             generally are sold in manufactured lengths of 60 or
             70m. A dry treatment and a clearly defined middle
             marker are usually well worth the added costs.
                Dry treatments can vary in effectiveness and type,
             but any dry treatment can increase the durability of a
             rope. Essentially a dry treatment is a chemical coating
             that sheds water from the rope’s sheath. The coating
             wears off in time, but the initial uses of the rope ben-
             efit from this extra layer.
             An Anchoring Rope

             A second, shorter anchoring rope can be a great tool
             for toproping anchors; in this application a static
             rope is appropriate. All rope manufacturers sell these
             kinds of rope. An anchoring rope should be tough

             A static anchoring rope has emerged as the
             predominant anchoring tool for setting up toprope
             anchors in a single pitch setting. AMGA Certified
             Single Pitch Instructors become proficient in the use
             of this tool.
                                              The Rope   5
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