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In later developments, Islamic views that resulted  from the learning  process
 Preface                 in pesantren also seemed to be more accommodative, fluid, and non-radical.
                         These views shaped the paradigms of Islamic organisations formed and raised
                         in Nusantara, such as Nahdlatul  Ulama, Muhammadiyah,  Persis, and other

 Director General of Culture  Islamic organisations in Nusantara. These organisations were able to build a

 Ministry of Education and Culture   close and mutually beneficial relationship with each other without focusing on
                         their differences. In modern day Indonesia, the presence of Islamic organisations
 of the Republic of Indonesia   formed in Nusantara can be considered as an important pillar that sustains the
                         reality of lives in the nation-state of Indonesia.

                         Hence, we welcome the re-publication of this book, The History of Indonesian
                         Islamic Culture. This book is important not only as a point of reference on Islamic

                         culture in Indonesia, but also as an instrument of Indonesian diplomacy to show
                         the rahmatan lil ‘alamin lives of Indonesian muslim society and a view of Islam
                         that is peaceful  and  aims to protect the lives  of people  amidst the prevalent
                         radical interpretations of Islam that has distressed the rest of the world recently.
 Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,  It is our hope that the re-publication of this book will be a positive and useful
 Islam, as one of the religious teachings practised in Nusantara, has a substantial
 contribution to  Indonesian culture.  Initially broadcasted through the  peaceful   Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
 medium of  dakwah  (sermon) which embraced local culture, Islam was soon
 accepted  by society as a religion  that advocates  peace.  Throughout  its   Jakarta, March 2017
 development, Islam has coloured and enriched the diverse cultural patterns of
 Nusantara.              Director General of Culture

 Culturally, Islam in Indonesia has a distinctly Indonesian  identity and   Hilmar Farid

 characteristics distinguishing it from Islamic culture found elsewhere, including
 in Africa, Europe, and its place of origin in the Middle East. The practice of Islam
 in Indonesia consequently shaped the Indonesian Islamic culture. This is related
 to the initial entry of Islam which was peacefully accepted by locals as it was
 introduced in ways that  accommodated local cultural elements. Local culture
 was included in practical applications of Islamic teachings, including weddings,
 celebrations, commemorations of  life cycles from birth to  death, and daily

 prayers, without abandoning the core teachings or akidah of Islam.

 Islamic values subsequently  entered the creative intellectual space of the
 traditional education system of society. The existence of pesantren or Islamic
 schools as a traditional educational institution is a process of assimilating and
 adopting the educational system that has grown and existed in the pre-Islamic
 age. The pre-existing education system established in the classical Hindu and
 Buddhist ages continued to be used upon the entry of Islam, albeit with some

 of the contents altered to align it with Islamic principles. There were significant
 differences between the teaching methods of Islamic pesantren in Nusantara
 and Islamic-based education of  Islamic states  in the Arab region, Africa,  the
 Persian Gulf, and Western Asia which has a predominantly Muslim population.

 IV  Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives      Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives  V
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