Page 5 - RME-Based Bilingual E-Module
P. 5


              The author would firstly like to thank Allah for His blessings until this
       “Bilingual  E-Module  Based  on  Realistic  Mathematics  Education”  is

       completed. E-module is completed during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is
       one  of  the  contributions  to  the  Indonesian  education  which  is

       implementing distance learning.
              This  e-module  is  based  on  Curriculum  2013  (Revised  2018).  This
       curriculum  puts  students  at  the  center  of  learning  activities,  so  students

       learn independently. E-modules are presented in two languages (Bahasa
       Indonesia and English) through the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)
       approach  which  instructs  students  to  construct  their  knowledge  through
       learning activities from contextual problems.

              The  author  realizes  that  there  are  still  many  deficiencies  in  this  e-
       module.  Therefore,  the  author  expects  criticisms  and  suggestions  for  the
       improvement and perfection of this e-module.

              This  e-module  is  part  of  research  funded  by  the  DRPM  (Direktorat
       Riset  dan  Pengabdian  Masyarakat)  for  PDP  (Peneltian  Dosen  Pemula)
       scheme at 2020. Author would like to thank many people are appreciated
       the process of completion this e-module: DRPM, LLDIKTI Wilayah II, Rector

       of  Unitas  Palembang,  Head  of  Lembaga  Penelitian  Unitas  Palembang,
       Dean of FKIP Unitas Palembang, and many more. May this e-module be
       useful for readers and for future researches.

                                                    Palembang,    Oktober 2020


                                                     RME-BASED BILINGUAL E-MODULE—  ii
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