Page 64 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 64

used to further entrench his child in a cycle of
addiction that never would have happened had
the wealth not provided him with access. We
designed a solution where the child took a
blood test prior to receiving a distribution. The
blood test had to demonstrate that there was
no drug or alcohol use. The child then repeated
the test 15 days later. That child had to remain
clean of drugs and alcohol for at least 3 weeks
to pass the blood test. We could have done
more too.

My client was not trying to be controlling, he
was concerned about having his child further
entrenched in an addictive lifestyle that was
enabled by the wealth he was passing on to
him. He wanted to ensure he was not adversely
changing the child.

Enhancing your heir’s life is the important
piece. If you look at a lawyer who's interested
in pushing a form that's easy for him or her, it's
not necessarily going to enhance the life of the
persons you love. This is an example of being
penny wise and pound foolish.

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