Page 66 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 66

want to select the financial advisory firm you
have been working with during your lifetime.
They can share your investment philosophies
with your children. The investment trustee's
job is extremely similar to the job that your
investment advisor performs during your
lifetime. Grow your wealth in accordance with
risks that you are comfortable assuming.
Since most of the trusts created do not provide
for an outright distribution of wealth to the
next generation upon your passing, the
inheritance of your children and grandchildren
likely will have an opportunity to grow.

You could select one of your children or a
family member to serve in this capacity. Your
friends or family members may not be
particularly skilled in the areas of investing.
You may not want to expose the family
relationships to the possibility of turmoil based
upon unsuccessful investment strategies
either. Your heirs may actually be upset with
the decisions made on investments, even if the
investments grow but not at the rate desired by
the heirs. Why expose these important family
relationships to potential turmoil? It is
unlikely that there is a significant cost saving

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