Page 19 - MDC-College-Handbook-2021
P. 19

  CAMPUS Visits
What is it?
No publication or website can give you a complete picture of a college or university. A campus visit is the best way to see what a college is like. Whether your visit lasts an hour or a day, take advantage of this unique opportunity to talk to as many people as possible, and to ask questions that are important to YOU.
As You Tour the Campus, Ask Yourself...
• Whatarethebuildingslike?DoIlikethesetting?
• Is the technology up-to-date?
• Are there good facilities for the activities in
which I’m interested?
• Are rooms in residence halls pleasant? Are they
quiet enough to study in?
• Are common areas in the residence halls
attractive? Are there laundry and kitchen
• What are the dining halls and food options like?
• What’s the surrounding town or city like? Would
I feel comfortable here?
When You Talk to College
Representatives/Administrators, Ask...
• Avoid asking questions such as “How many students attend this school?” as those answers can be easily found on the college’s website. Take this opportunity to ask questions that are important to YOU.
• Think in terms of your potential areas of interest. If you know what you want to major in (like international business or biology), ask specific questions about those programs and visit a class. If you don’t know what you'd like to major in, ask about subjects that interest you (like law or French). Also, ask about programs you might enjoy (like study abroad, science research or starting your own company). Take note of the answers – and use them in your application.
• Think in terms of your future student life. How many students live in the dorms and how many commute? What kind of activities does the college organize?
When You Talk to Students, Ask...
• How many hours a day do you study? Is that typical of a student here?
• Are campus jobs readily available?
• Are faculty members interested in students and
accessible outside of class?
• Is it easy to get involved in student activities?
• Are the athletic facilities open to all students or
only to athletes?
• Is the food good?
• Is it possible to study in your dorm room?
• What’s the library like as a place to study and do
• What do you like most about this college? What
do you like least?
• How easy is it to get the classes you want at
• Do you feel challenged academically?
• If you had to do it again, would you still choose
this college?
When Your Visit is Over...
• Write down the name of the college you visited, the date of your visit, and your impressions of the college while they are still fresh in your mind. This will help you decide where to apply and answer the application question: “Why do you want to attend this college?”
• Were the people you met friendly and did they answer your questions fully and candidly?
• Were the students the kind of people you’d like to get to know?
• Did you like the social atmosphere?
• Did the campus itself impress you in any way?
• What do you think about the quality of the
programs offered? What kind of programs and majors do they have that might address your potential areas of interest?
• Contact the college representative and anyone else you met. Thank them for their time and let them know what you were most impressed by.
Gulliver Preparatory MDC - 17 - Class of 2021

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