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P. 25

Works Cited
Deiner, John T. "The ILO and Peron's Argentina," Social Science 48, no. 4 (Fall, 1973).
Finchelstein, Federico. "The Peronist Reformulation of Fascism," Contemporanea 17, no. 4 (October/November 2014).
Horowitz, Morris. "The Legacy of Juan Peron," Challenge 12, no. 1 (October, 1963). McGann, Thomas F. "Juan Peron," Encyclopedia Britianica.
McLynn, Frank. "The Political Thought of Juan Domingo Peron,” Boletín de Estudios
Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 32 (June, 1982).
Navarro, Marysa. "The Case of Eva Perón," Women and National Development: The
Complexities of Change 3, no. 1 (Fall, 1977).
Oxford. Lexico. Accessed January 26, 2020.
Smith, Peter. "Social Mobilization, Political Participation, and the Rise of Juan Peron." Political Science Quarterly 84, no. 1 (March 1969).
Future of Argentina

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