Page 3 - Academic Catalog
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Academic Calendar
Welcome from the President
Fall Semester
August 14 Classes begin
August 18 Drop/Add Period & Late Registration
September 4 Ends
Labor Day Holiday
October 5 Midterm grades due
October 13-14 Parent’s Weekend
October 18 Last Day to Withdraw from Individual
November 10 Veteran’s Day Observed
Noon November 17 thru Cadet Thanksgiving Holidays
1800 November 26
Thursday, November 23 thru Faculty Holidays
Sunday, November 26
December 4 Last Day of Class for Fall Semester
December 4 Last Day to Entirely Withdraw from
December 5-7 Final Exams
December 9 Fall Graduation and Commissioning
Spring Semester
Welcome to Marion Military Institute (MMI)! January 8 Classes Begin
January 12 Drop/Add & Late Registration Ends
By choosing MMI to begin your higher education, January 15 Martin Luther King Holiday
you have given yourself the opportunity to March 1 Midterm Grades Due
March 8 Last Day to Withdraw from Individual
achieve something special. Our high quality
college education folded in an immersive military Noon March 9 thru 1800, Courses
Spring Break
environment is unique, and something you only March 18
see in schools like the U.S. Service Academies. It April 27 Last Day of Class for Spring Semester
is a true whole-person education that will put April 27 Last Day to Entirely Withdraw from
you steps ahead as you start the journey to your College
future. April 30 - May 2 Final Exams
SAP Convocation
May 2
MMI will broaden your intellect, develop your May 4 Honors Convocation
character and leadership skills, and will help to May 5 Spring Graduation and Commissioning
make you much more successful and more
competitive in whatever you do and wherever The contents of this catalog are informational only.
you go from here.
This catalog is not the basis of a contract between
I look forward to you joining the ranks of our the student and the College. Marion Military
historic Corps of Cadets and becoming part of the Institute will always make every effort to provide
rich tradition and legacy that defines MMI. accurate information relative to academic policies,
instruction and course offerings as indicated;
however, the College has the right to change any
provision without notifying students individually.