Page 5 - Academic Catalog
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Campus                                                    Colleges  and  Schools  (SACS)  to  award  Associate  of  Science  and
        The campus encompasses 148 acres including a lighted athletic field,   Associate  of  Arts  Degrees.  Additionally,  MMI  is  a  member  of  the
        baseball diamond, softball field, nine-hole golf course, and six tennis   Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States and
        courts in addition to academic buildings, dormitories, and  a dining   the National Junior College Athletic Association.
        facility.  A  multi-purpose  athletic  center  houses  a  large  stage,  a
        twenty-five  meter  indoor  swimming  pool,  a  fitness  center,  Health   Vision
        Center,  and  a  collegiate  basketball  court.    The  centerpiece  of  the   Marion  Military  Institute  will  continue  to  transform  itself  through
        campus is its historic chapel built in 1857 featuring six historic, stained   initiatives  which  will  create  comprehensive  excellence,  innovative
        glass windows.                                            leadership,  and  strategic  alliances.  MMI  will  broaden  the  range  of
                                                                  rigorous  and  relevant  academic  programs;  recruit  quality  cadets,
        History                                                   faculty, and staff; increase enrollment; and expand its commitment
        Marion Military Institute (MMI) is the nation’s oldest military junior   to  superior  infrastructure,  including  modern  technology.  This
        college tracing its origin back to 1842 with the founding of Howard   transformative  process  will  enhance  MMI’s  nationally  recognized
        College  in  Marion,  Alabama.  During  the  Civil  War,  the  Chapel  and   position as a unique, premier two-year college preeminent in military
        Lovelace Hall, both built in 1857, were used as Breckinridge Military   training and dedicated to the success of all cadets.
        Hospital,  treating  both  Union  and  Confederate  soldiers.  Howard
        College  remained  in  Marion  until  the  Alabama  State  Baptist   Mission
        Convention made the decision to move the college to Birmingham,   Marion Military Institute, a two-year public institution, educates and
        Alabama in 1887.  It later becoming Samford University.  At the time   trains the Corps of Cadets in order that each graduate is prepared for
        of  the  move,  Colonel  James  T.  Murfee  was  the  Howard  College   success  at  four-year  institutions,  including  the  service  academies,
        president, a position he had held since coming to Marion in 1871 from   with  emphasis  on  providing  intellectual,  moral-ethical,  physical-
        the University of Alabama.  Murfee along with several of the faculty   athletic,  and  leadership  development  experiences  in  a  military
        and trustees, chose to remain on the existing campus in Marion and   environment.
        formally  establish  MMI.  He  and  the  new  MMI  Board  of  Trustees
        developed  and  implemented  institutional  policies  demanding  high   Accreditation
        standards  for  the  development  of  character,  academic  excellence,   Marion Military Institute is accredited by the Southern Association of
        and military traditions, which have been the hallmarks of MMI ever   Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award the associate
        since.                                                    degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane,
                                                                  Decatur,  Georgia  30033-4097  or  call  404-679-4500  for  questions
        Hopson O. Murfee, MMI’s second president, was one of the foremost   about the accreditation of Marion Military Institute.
        advocates of a student run government that focused on honor and
        ethics within the student body. Because of this, MMI was one of the   This  accreditation  statement  is  published  solely  for  accreditation-
        first  schools  in  the  south  to  establish  a  student  government   related purposes.  The Commission does not answer any admissions
        association as well as an honor system, both of which are still very   or  general  education  inquiries  related  to  policies  or  practices  of
        much a part of the Corps today. Under H.O. Murfee’s leadership the   Marion Military Institute.
        school achieved national recognition. William Howard Taft served as
        President of the Board of Trustees, and Woodrow Wilson, President
        of Princeton University at the time, was the featured speaker at the

        convocation held in the MMI Chapel in 1905. In tribute to Woodrow   Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Information
        Wilson and Princeton University, MMI’s school colors were changed   Institutions of higher education are required by legislation to provide

        to orange and black, and the tiger was adopted as the mascot.   consumer information to prospective as well as enrolled students.
                                                                  Marion Military Institute has developed a page on the MMI website
        The Service Academy Program had its beginnings at MMI with the   to provide the required information in an easily accessible format.
        establishment of the Army-Navy department in 1910.  The Army ROTC   Following links on the page will either provide the information in a
        program was introduced in 1916 in response to WWI, and the Army   pdf  file  or  connect  to  areas  on  the  MMI  website  where  the
        ROTC Early Commissioning Program was established in 1968 at the   information can be located.
        height of the Vietnam War.
                                                                  The types of information available include, but are not limited to:
        Until World War II, the campus consisted of primarily two buildings;   completion/graduation  and  transfer  rates;  financial  assistance
        the  Chapel  and  Old  South  (Lovelace)  Barracks,  both  from  the  old   available  to  students;  campus  crime  statistics;  athletic  program
        Howard College era.  The MMI campus currently encompasses over   participation rates and financial support; information about students’
        160 acres and includes 38 buildings.                      rights  under  FERPA;  cost  of  attendance,  and  other  institutional
        MMI  continued  as  a  private  institution  that  included  both  a  high
        school and a junior college governed by an MMI Board of Trustees   Some  information  may  be  distributed  by  other  methods.  If  the
        until 2006 when the Alabama legislature voted to merge the institute   information is not posted, there is a name and email address for the
        into the Alabama Community College System. The high school was   person on campus who can assist in locating the desired information.
        disestablished, and MMI became a military junior college only.  Today   This information is also e-mailed annually to all students.
        MMI is a member college of the ACCS and is governed by the ACCS
        Board of Trustees.  The legislation retained the original MMI Board of   For additional assistance, please contact the following office:
        Trustees as the new MMI Board of Trustees and Advisors with the role
        of governing the MMI Foundation that supports MMI fundraising and   Office of Institutional Research
        houses the endowment.  Additionally, this Board now provides advice   Marion Military Institute
        and counsel to the MMI President and the ACCS.  MMI is accredited   (334) 683-2362
        by  the  Commission  on  Colleges  of  the  Southern  Association  of
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