Page 37 - Academic Catalog
P. 37
SPH 107 Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3 Credit hours) This THR 115 Theater Workshop III (1 Credit Hour) This is the third in a
course explores principles of audience and environment analysis as course sequence which provides practical experience in the
well as the actual planning, rehearsing and presenting of formal production and performance of a dramatic presentation with
speeches to specific audiences. Historical foundations, assignments in scenery, lighting, props, choreography, sound,
communication theories and student performances are emphasized. costumes, make-up, publicity, acting, directing, and other aspects of
theater production.
THR 113 Theater Workshop I (1 Credit Hour) This is the first in a
course sequence which provides practical experience in the THR 213 Theater Workshop IV (1 Credit Hour) This is the fourth in a
production and performance of a dramatic presentation with course sequence which provides practical experience in the
assignments in scenery, lighting, props, choreography, sound, production and performance of a dramatic presentation with
costumes, make-up, publicity, acting, directing, and other aspects of assignments in scenery, lighting, props, choreography, sound,
theater production. costumes, make-up, publicity, acting, directing, and other aspects of
theater production.
THR 114 Theater Workshop II (1 Credit Hour) This is the second in a
course sequence which provides practical experience in the
production and performance of a dramatic presentation with
assignments in scenery, lighting, props, choreography, sound,
costumes, make-up, publicity, acting, directing, and other aspects of
theater production.