Page 34 - Academic Catalog
P. 34

MTH 265 Elementary Statistics (3 Credit hours) This course provides   PED  250  Varsity  Basketball  III  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        an  introduction  to  methods  of  statistics,  including  the  following   advanced  fundamentals  of  basketball.    Emphasis  is  placed  on  skill
        topics:  sampling,  frequency  distributions,  measures  of  central   development, knowledge of the rules, and basic game strategy.  This
        tendency,  graphic  representation,  reliability,  hypothesis  testing,   course  builds  upon  previous  instruction  and  provides  additional
        confidence  intervals,  analysis,  regression,  estimation,  and   opportunities to develop skills. Upon completion, students should be
        applications.  Probability,  permutations,  combinations,  binomial   able to participate in competitive basketball. Prerequisite: Permission
        theorem,  random  variables,  and  distributions  may  be  included.    of Instructor.
        Prerequisite:  Math 110.
                                                                  PED  251  Varsity  Basketball  IV  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        MUL 180 – 181; 280 – 281 Chorus I, II, III, IV (1 Credit Hour Each) This   advanced  fundamentals  of  basketball.    Emphasis  is  placed  on  skill
        course provides an opportunity for students to participate in the MMI   development, knowledge of the rules, and basic game strategy.  This
        Chorus. Emphasis is placed on rehearsing and performing literature   course  builds  upon  previous  instruction  and  provides  additional
        appropriate to the mission and goals of the group. Upon completion,   opportunities to develop skills. Upon completion, students should be
        students  should  be  able  to  effectively  participate  in  performances   able to participate in competitive basketball. Prerequisite: Permission
        presented by the ensemble.                                of Instructor.

        MUL 198 – 199; 298 – 299; Marching Band I, II, III, IV (1 Credit Hour   PED  252  Varsity  Baseball  I  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        Each) This course provides an opportunity for students to participate   advanced baseball techniques.  Emphasis is placed on refining skills
        in the MMI Marching Band. Emphasis is placed on rehearsing and   and  developing  more  advanced  strategies  and  techniques.    Upon
        performing  literature  appropriate  to  the  mission  and  goals  of  the   completion, students should be able to play baseball at a competitive
        group.  Upon  completion,  students  should  be  able  to  effectively   level. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.
        participate in performances presented by the ensemble.
                                                                  PED 253 Varsity Golf I (1 Credit Hour) This course covers the more
        MUS 101 Music Appreciation (3 Credit hours) This course is designed   advanced  phases  of  golf.    Emphasis  is  placed  on  refining  the
        for non-music majors and requires no previous musical experience. It   fundamental skills and learning more advanced phases of the games
        is  a  survey  course  that  incorporates  several  modes  of  instruction   such as club selection, trouble shots, and course management.  Upon
        including lecture, guided listening, and similar experiences involving   completion, students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge
        music. The course will cover a minimum of three (3) stylistic periods,   and  ability  to  play  competitive  golf.    Prerequisite:    Permission  of
        provide  a  multi-cultural  perspective,  and  include  both  vocal  and   Instructor.
        instrumental genres. Upon completion, students should be able to
        demonstrate   a   knowledge   of   music   fundamentals,   the   PED 254 Varsity Softball I (1 Credit Hour) This course introduces the
        aesthetic/stylistic characteristics of historical periods, and an aural   fundamental skills and rules of softball. Emphasis is placed on proper
        perception of style and structure in music.
                                                                  techniques  and  strategies  for  playing  softball.  Upon  completion,
                                                                  students should be able to play competitive softball.   Prerequisite:
        ORI 108 Master Student (1 Credit Hour)   This course is designed to   Permission of Instructor.
        promote  critical  thinking  about  leadership  and  provides  learning
        communities  of  first-year  students  the  opportunity  to  develop   PED 259 Varsity Cross Country I (1 Credit Hour) This course covers
        practical knowledge and skills toward a successful college experience,   more  advanced  cross  country  techniques.    Emphasis  is  placed  on
        both academically and personally.  Topics include conflict resolution,   refining  skills  and  developing  more  advanced  strategies  and
        time  management,  goal-setting,  improving  listening  skills,  career   techniques.  Upon completion, students should be able to participate
        planning,  problem-solving  and  decision-making,  among  others.    in competitive cross country.  Prerequisite:  Permission of Instructor.
        Prerequisite:  Permission of Instructor.

        PED 105 Personal Fitness (1 Credit Hour) This course is designed to   PED  261  Varsity  Baseball  II  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        provide the student with information allowing him/her to participate   advanced baseball techniques.  Emphasis is placed on refining skills
        in  a  personally  developed  fitness  program.  Topics  include   and  developing  more  advanced  strategies  and  techniques.    This
        cardiovascular,  strength,  muscular  endurance,  flexibility  and  body   course  builds  upon  previous  instruction  and  provides  additional
        composition.                                              opportunities to develop skills.  Upon completion, students should be
                                                                  able to play baseball at a competitive level. Prerequisite: Permission
                                                                  of Instructor.
        PED  248  Varsity  Basketball  I  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        advanced  fundamentals  of  basketball.    Emphasis  is  placed  on  skill
                                                                  PED  262  Varsity  Baseball  III  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        development, knowledge of the rules, and basic game strategy.  Upon
                                                                  advanced baseball techniques.  Emphasis is placed on refining skills
        completion,  students  should  be  able  to  participate  in  competitive
                                                                  and  developing  more  advanced  strategies  and  techniques.    This
        basketball. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.
                                                                  course  builds  upon  previous  instruction  and  provides  additional
                                                                  opportunities to develop skills.  Upon completion, students should be
        PED  249  Varsity  Basketball  II  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers   able to play baseball at a competitive level. Prerequisite: Permission
        advanced  fundamentals  of  basketball.    Emphasis  is  placed  on  skill   of Instructor.
        development, knowledge of the rules, and basic game strategy.  This
        course  builds  upon  previous  instruction  and  provides  additional
        opportunities to develop skills. Upon completion, students should be   PED  263  Varsity  Baseball  IV  (1  Credit  Hour)  This  course  covers
        able to participate in competitive basketball. Prerequisite: Permission   advanced baseball techniques.  Emphasis is placed on refining skills
        of Instructor.                                            and  developing  more  advanced  strategies  and  techniques.    This
                                                                  course  builds  upon  previous  instruction  and  provides  additional
                                                                  opportunities to develop skills.  Upon completion, students should be
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