Page 30 - Academic Catalog
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ART 204 Art History II (3 Credit hours) This course covers a study of
        the  chronological  development  of  different  forms  of  art,  such  as
        sculpture, painting and architecture. Emphasis is placed on history
        from the Baroque to the present. Upon completion, students should
        be  able  to  communicate  a  knowledge  of  time  period  and
        chronological sequence including a knowledge of themes, styles and
        of the impact of society on the arts.

        BIO 103 Principles of Biology I (4 Credit hours) This is an introductory
        course  for  science  and  non-science  majors.  It  covers  physical,
        chemical, and biological principles common to all organisms. These
        principles are explained through a study of cell structure and function,
        cellular reproduction, basic biochemistry, cell energetics, the process
        of  photosynthesis,  and  Mendelian  and  molecular  genetics.  Also
        included are the scientific method, basic principles of evolution, and
        an  overview  of  the  diversity  of  life  with  emphasis  on  viruses,
        prokaryotes, and protist. A laboratory is required.

        BIO  104  Principles  of  Biology  II  (4  Credit  hours)  This  course  is  an
        introduction to the basic ecological and evolutionary relationships of
        plants  and  animals  and  a  survey  of  plant  and  animal  diversity
        including classification, morphology, physiology, and reproduction. A
        laboratory is required.

        BIO  201  Human  Anatomy  and  Physiology  I  (4  Credit  hours)  This
        course  covers  the  structure  and  function  of  the  human  body.
        Included  is  an  orientation  of  the  human  body,  basic  principles  of
        chemistry,  a  study  of  cells  and  tissues,  metabolism,  joints,  the
        integumentary,  skeletal,  muscular,  and  nervous  system,  and  the
        senses.  Dissection, histological studies, physiology are featured in the
        laboratory experience.  A laboratory is required.  Prerequisite:  BIO

        BIO  202  Human  Anatomy  and  Physiology  II  (4  Credit  hours)  This
        course  covers  the  structure  and  function  of  the  human  body.
        Included  is  a  study  of  basic  nutrition,  basic  principles  of  water,
        electrolyte,  and  acid-base  balance,  the  endocrine,  respiratory,
        digestive,  excretory,  cardiovascular,  lymphatic  and  reproductive
        systems.  Dissection, histological studies, and physiology are featured
        in the laboratory experience.  A laboratory is required. Prerequisite:
        BIO 103 and “C” in BIO 201                                BUS 186 Elements of Supervision (3 Credit hours) This course is an
                                                                  introduction  to  the  fundamental  roles,  skills  and  functions  of
        BIO 220 General Microbiology (4 Credit Hours)   This course includes   supervisors.  Topics include planning, organizing, staffing, directing,
        historical perspectives, cell structure and function, microbial genetics,   motivating  and  controlling  individual  employees  and  teams  with
        infectious  diseases,  immunology,  distribution,  physiology,  culture,   emphasis on practical business applications.
        identification, classification, and disease control of microorganisms.
        The  laboratory  experience  includes  micro-techniques,  distribution,   BUS  263  The  Legal  and  Social  Environment  of  Business  (3  Credit
        culture,  identification,  and  control.    A  laboratory  is  required.   hours)  This  course  provides  an  overview  of  the  legal  and  social
        Prerequisite: BIO 103                                     environment for business operations with emphasis on contemporary
                                                                  issues and their subsequent impact on business. Topics include the
        BUS 100 Introduction to Business (3 Credit hours) This is a survey   Constitution,  the  Bill  of  Rights,  the  legislative  process,  civil  and
        course designed to acquaint the student with American business as   criminal  law,  administrative  agencies,  trade  regulations,  consumer
        a dynamic process in a global setting. Topics include the private   protection, contracts, employment and personal property.
        enterprise system, forms of business ownership, marketing, factors
        of production, personnel, labor, finance, and taxation.    BUS 275 Principles of Business Management  (3 Credit hours) This
                                                                  course   provides   a   basic   study   of   the   principles   of
        BUS 146 Personal Finance (3 Credit hours) This course is a survey of   management.    Topics  include  the  functions  and  responsibilities  of
        topics of interest to the consumer.  Topics include budgeting,   managers,   management-employee   relations,   organizational
        financial institutions, basic income tax, credit, consumer protection,   structure,  functional  business  operation  concepts,  project
        insurance, house purchases, retirement planning, estate planning,   management,   and   management   evaluation   and
        investing, and consumer purchases.                        measurements.  Prerequisite: BUS 186

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