Page 26 - Academic Catalog
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Competency 6.2. Students will demonstrate leadership skills in baccalaureate major of the individual student 3
classroom and extracurricular activities. Credit Hour Total in Areas I-V of the AA Program (64)
Associate in Arts Degree Associate in Science Degree
The Associate in Arts degree program is intended to meet the needs The Associate in Science degree program is intended to meet the
of students who plan to transfer to a senior institution and pursue a needs of students who plan to transfer to a senior institution and
course of study in a liberal arts area. This is a planned university- pursue a course of study in a general field or a specialized professional
parallel program designed to meet the requirements of the first two field. This is a planned university-parallel program designed to meet
years of a Bachelor of Arts degree. The primary purpose of the the requirements of the first two years of a Bachelor of Arts degree.
associate in arts degree is to serve as a curriculum for individuals The primary purpose of the associate in science degree is to serve as
intending to transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue a a curriculum for individuals intending to transfer to a four-year
bachelor’s degree in fine arts, humanities, law, foreign language, college or university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the natural
social sciences, and education related disciplines. Secondarily it sciences, computer sciences, architecture, engineering, mathematics,
serves as a General Studies curriculum for students who are nursing, pharmacy, forestry, pre-medicine and pre-dentistry. Area V
interested in a liberal arts baccalaureate education but have not yet requirements vary with individual four-year institutions; thus,
made a firm decision with respect to their baccalaureate major. Area students must obtain an approved university parallel plan from
V requirements vary with individual four-year institutions; thus, (STARS) for transfer to an Alabama public 4-year institution; or if the
students must obtain an approved university parallel plan from transfer is planned for another institution, students should obtain a
(STARS) for transfer to an Alabama public 4-year institution; or if the copy of that institution’s program requirements to assist in planning
transfer is planned for another institution, students should obtain a their courses to be taken at Marion Military Institute.
copy of that institution’s program requirements to assist in planning
their courses to be taken at Marion Military Institute. Semester Hour (SH) Distribution SH
Requirements by Academic Area 1
Semester Hour (SH) Distribution SH
AREA I: Written Communication (6)
Requirements by Academic Area 1 Must Complete Written Composition I and II
(ENG 101 and ENG 102)
AREA I: Written Communication (6)
Must Complete Written Composition I and II
AREA II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12)
(ENG 101 and ENG 102)
Must complete 3 semester hours in Literature 2
Must complete 3 semester hours in the Arts
AREA II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12)
Must complete 3 semester hours in Literature 2 Must complete 6 additional semester hours in humanities
Must complete 3 semester hours in the Arts
AREA III: Natural Sciences and Math (11)
Must complete 6 additional semester hours in humanities
Must complete 3 semester hours in Mathematics at the
Pre-calculus Algebra or Finite Math level
AREA III: Natural Sciences and Math (11)
Must complete 8 semester hours in the Natural Sciences
Must complete 3 semester hours in Mathematics at the
which must include one laboratory experience
Pre-calculus Algebra or Finite Math level
Must complete 8 semester hours in the Natural Sciences
AREA IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12)
which must include one laboratory experience 2
Must complete 3 semester hours in History
Must complete at least 9 semester hours from among
AREA IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12)
Must complete 3 semester hours in History 2 other disciplines in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Must complete at least 9 semester hours from among
AREA V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Electives (23)
other disciplines in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Must complete additional Associate in Science Degree courses
AREA V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Electives (23) appropriate to the degree requirements and the intended
Must complete additional Associate in Arts Degree courses baccalaureate major of the individual student
appropriate to the degree requirements and the intended
Credit Hour Total in Areas I-V of the AS Program (64)
1) Requirements in one area do not satisfy or substitute for requirements in another area.
2) Students must complete a six semester hour sequence either in literature or history. The sequence in Area II in literature, or Area IV in history should be
determined by the requirements of the student’s intended major and transfer plans. (Most majors at Auburn University require a two-semester sequence in both
literature and history. Requirements will vary according to transfer institutions. Students should consult catalog or website of the specific transfer institution to
determine the specific courses within each Area. In the event that a question cannot be readily answered, the STARS guide should always take precedence for an
Alabama state institution transfer.)
Respective programs of study for bachelor’s degrees at Alabama public universities range from 120 to 128 semester credit hours in length. Dependent upon the
total hours allocated for the bachelor’s degree, institutions in The Alabama College System are only authorized to provide (i.e., transfer fifty (50) percent of that
total (60-64).