Page 24 - Academic Catalog
P. 24

Program of Study                                             5.  Follow  the  instructions  listed  on  the  guide  and  in  the
        Marion  Military  Institute  offers  an  associate  degree  program   6.  Research  the  planned  transfer  institution  (admissions
        designed to meet the needs of students who plan to transfer to four-  requirements vary from institution to institution).
        year institutions to pursue a baccalaureate degree.
                                                                  Articulation and Scholarship Agreements
        Planning the Educational Program
                                                                  Auburn  University  at  Montgomery  (AUM)  and  Marion  Military
        It is the cadet’s responsibility to select the academic sequencing of   Institute (MMI) agree to mutual cooperation in the articulation and
        courses, register, and successfully complete program requirements   transfer of courses, and establishment of application and registration
        which lead to graduation.  The academic advisors at Marion Military   process to facilitate the transfer of MMI graduates to AUM for the
        Institute are available to assist students in degree planning and course   purpose  of  earning  a  bachelor’s  degree.    Subject  to  terms  of  this
        selection, but it is ultimately the cadet’s responsibility to plan and   agreement, a student who has earned both an associate’s degree and
        complete his or her academic program. As preparation for academic   possesses  a  cumulative  GPA  of  2.0  from  MMI  may  be  eligible  for
        advising,  students  who  already  know  where  they  wish  to  transfer   admission  to  AUM  with  up  to  a  maximum  of  64  semester  hours
        upon graduation should obtain a copy of that institution’s program   transferring.
        requirements to assist in planning their courses to be taken at Marion
        Military Institute.                                       Auburn  University  (all  branches)  agrees  to  award  Leadership
                                                                  Scholarships  in  the  amount  of  $5,000  each  for  two  in-state  MMI
        Academic Advisement                                       transfer  students  and  $15,000  for  two  out-of-state  MMI  transfer
                                                                  students who meet the following qualifications:
        Each student is assigned a faculty advisor soon after arrival at Marion
        Military Institute. The advisement process at MMI is considered an   1)  Acceptance at Auburn University
        ongoing, interactive process between the advisor and the student,   2)  Awarded an Associate’s Degree from MMI prior to AU enrollment
        which facilitates the development and attainment of the student’s   3)  Enrolled at MMI for at least 3 semesters
        educational goals.                                        4)  Enrolled  in  or  actively  seeking  enrollment  in  a  military  officer
                                                                     commissioning  program,  including  the  ECP,  an  Auburn  ROTC
        The  online  Registration  Guide  should  be  referred  to  as  an  aid  in   program, Marine PLC, or any similar programs; OR
        selecting  initial  courses  and  schedules.  After  arrival,  discussions   5)  Successfully held a formal leadership position in the MMI Corps of
        between a student and his/her appointed advisor should take place   Cadets for at least one semester; AND/OR
        on a regular basis but certainly before each semester’s preregistration   6)  Endorsement and recommendation from the MMI Commandant
        period and before any change is made in the student’s academic class   of Cadets
        schedule.    Topics  of  discussion  might  include  selecting  courses,   7)  A signed scholarship agreement returned to Auburn University
        dropping a class, and understanding degree requirements.    8)  Minimum cumulative MMI GPA of 2.75 at the time of application

        Students  bear  full  responsibility  for  any  complications  that  arise   Mississippi  State  University  and  Marion  Military  Institute  entered
        because  of  their  failure  to  follow  established  policies,  procedures,   into  an  agreement  in  the  spirit  of  delivering  levels  of  access  and
        course requirements and prerequisites, or the advice of counselors or   service  to  students  pursuing  a  Mississippi  State  University
        academic  advisors.    The  college  does  not  consider  lack  of  student   undergraduate degree after graduating with the Associate’s Degree
        awareness as  sufficient reason to waive any requirement or make   from MMI.  Mississippi State University will award Mississippi State
        exception to any policy or practice.                      University/MMI  Leadership  scholarships  in  the  amount  of  $2,500
                                                                  annually ($1,250/semester) each for up to five MMI transfer students
        STARS Transfer Guide                                      (Mississippi  residents  and  non-residents).    Criteria  for  these
                                                                  scholarships include:
        In 1994, the Alabama Legislature created by law the State of Alabama
        Articulation  and  General  Studies  Committee  and  the  Statewide   1)  Acceptance to Mississippi State University
        Articulation  Reporting  System  (STARS).    The  STARS  System  allows   2)  Awarded an Associate’s Degree from MMI prior to enrollment at
        public  two-year  students  in  Alabama  to  obtain  a  Transfer   Mississippi State University
        Guide/Agreement  for  the  major  of  their  choice.  This   3)  Enrolled at MMI for at least 3 semesters
        guide/agreement, if used correctly, directs the student through their   4)  Minimum overall MMI GPA of 2.85 at time of application
        first two years of coursework and prevents loss of credit hours upon   5)  Enrolled  in  or  actively  seeking  enrollment  in  a  military  officer
        transfer to the appropriate public four-year university in Alabama.    commissioning  program,  including  the  ECP,  Mississippi  State
        Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university in   University ROTC program, Marine PLC, or any similar programs
        the State of Alabama should print a STARS transfer guide by following   including:
        the instructions on the following website -     a.  Successfully  held  a  formal  leadership  position  in  the  MMI
                                                                        Corps of Cadets for at least one semester
        All transfer students should:                                b.  Recommendation  from  the  MMI  Commandant  of  Cadets
            1.  Print  a  copy  of  the  guide  for  the  student’s  use  and   based  on  exceptional  conduct,  character,  and  leadership
               verification purposes.                                   potential,
            2.  Meet  with  an  advisor  to  discuss  the  guide  and  the   6)  A signed scholarship agreement must be returned to Mississippi
               requirements listed.                                  State University
            3.  Obtain a new guide if major is changed.          7)  The award period will be for four semesters at Mississippi State
            4.  Read the entire guide and agreement carefully.       University.    Renewal  for  the  third  and  fourth  semester  will  be
                                                                     contingent  upon  an  overall  Mississippi  State  University  GPA  of
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