Page 20 - Academic Catalog
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2.  An official transcript showing graduation from high school   ACCUPLACER Testing and Course Placement
               with a high school diploma equivalent to the Alabama High
               School Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of   As  mandated  by  the  Alabama  State  Board  of  Education,  Marion
               Education, issued by a non-public high school and proof of   Military Institute requires that all incoming first-year students take
               passage  of  the  Alabama  Public  High  School  Graduation   the  ACCUPLACER  test  to  assist  in  accurate  placement  in  academic
               Examination; or                                    course levels, particularly in the areas of English, mathematics, and/or
            3.  An official transcript showing graduation from high school   reading.  NOTE:  The following students are exempted from being
               with a high school diploma equivalent to the Alabama High   placed  in  appropriate  academic  levels  through  the  ACCUPLACER
               School Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of   test:
               Education, issued by a non-public high school and evidence
               of a composite ACT score of at least 16 or an SAT score of at   1.  Students  who  transfer  college-level  English  or  mathematics
               least 860 on the evidence based reading and writing and   courses from a regionally-accredited college or university with
               mathematics sections of the SAT test;                   the grade of C or higher.
            4.  An official transcript showing graduation from high school   2.  Students  who  have  completed  required  developmental
               with  a  high  school  diploma  equivalent  to  the  Alabama   coursework at another Alabama Community College System
               Occupational  Diploma,  as  defined  by  the  Alabama  State   institution within the last three years.
               Board  of  Education,  the  high  school  diploma  of  another   3.  Students  who  can  provide  documentation  of  scores  on  a
               state equivalent to the Alabama Occupational Diploma, or   ACCUPLACER  assessment  completed  within  the  past  three
               an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public high school,   years.)
               and evidence of a composite ACT score of at least 16 or an   4.  Students with ACT/SAT scores at or above the scores below:
               SAT score of at least 860 on the evidence based reading and
               writing and mathematics sections of the SAT test;                     MMI Cut Off Scores
            5.  The student holds an official GED certificate issued by the   ACT                       SAT
               appropriate state education agency.                 Math:  20                 Math:  470

        The College has established additional admission requirements for   English:  18     Writing:  470
        specific programs.                                         Reading:  20              Reading:  470

            1.  For  admission  to  the  Early  Commissioning  Program,  the   The  ACCUPLACER  can  be  taken upon  arrival,  but  MMI  encourages
               applicant must have a minimum of a 17 composite on the   incoming students to take the test remotely at a location convenient
               ACT (equivalent on the SAT) and a minimum high school   to their home before they arrive on campus.
               grade point average of 2.00.  Army ROTC makes the final
               determination  on  admission  to  the  ECP  upon  applicant   After completing the ACCUPLACER and ensuring that the scores have
               meeting  standards  set  forth  by  the  United  States  Army   been sent to MMI (if the test is taken remotely), students are placed
               Cadet Command Regulations.                         according to the following score ranges:
            2.  For admission to the Leadership Education Program, the
               applicant must have a minimum of a 16 composite on the   ACCUPLACER    ACCUPLACER
               ACT (equivalent on the SAT) and a strong high school record   Assessment   Scores    Course Placement
               of academic achievement in core courses.             Write Placer     0-2           ENG 092
            3.  For  admission  to  the  Service  Academy  Program,  the             3-4           ENG 093
               applicant must have a score on the SAT of 1160 or more                5 and above   ENG 101
               (ACT composite of 24 or more) with both a math and verbal   Reading   0-69          RDG 080
               score of 580 or more (ACT math and English of 24 or more),            70 and above   Exempt
               and at least a 3.0 high school grade point average. The only   Elem Algebra   20-39   MTH 090
               exceptions  to  these  criteria  may  be  those  made  by  the
               sponsoring Academy or those candidates deemed eligible   Arithmetic   20-69         MTH 090
               for  the  program  by  the  Director  of  the  Service  Academy   Elem Algebra   40-59   MTH 098
               Program.                                             Arithmetic       70-120        MTH 098
                                                                    Elem Algebra     60-79         MTH 100
        Conditional admission of a first-time student may be granted to an   College Level Math   20-49   MTH 100
        applicant if the college has not received proof that the student has   Elem Algebra   80-120   MTH 112
        satisfied one of the admission requirements identified in the General   College Level Math   50 and above   MTH 112
        Admissions Procedures.  If all required admissions records have not
        been received by the institution prior to issuance of first semester   NOTE:  For  purposes  of  institutional  assessment  and  for
        grades,  the  grades  will  be  reported  on  the  transcript,  but  the   measurement  of  program  effectiveness,  MMI  may  require
        transcript will read “Continued enrollment denied pending receipt of   ACCUPLACER  scores  for  all  its  students.  This  requirement  is  not
        admissions  records.”  This  notation  will  be  removed  from  the   related to class placement.
        transcript only upon receipt of all required admissions records. The
        student shall not be allowed to enroll for a second semester unless all   ACT/SAT Course Placement Policy
        required  admission  records  have  been  received  by  the  institution
        prior to registration for the second semester.            Course placement in the disciplines of English and mathematics may
                                                                  be assigned based on college entrance examination scores.  ACT/SAT
                                                                  scores  are  a  required  document  in  the  student’s  admissions
                                                                  application file.  The score ranges below pertain to specific course
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25