Page 17 - Academic Catalog
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the cadet may appear at the meeting to speak to the
7. The Appeals Committee will render a written decision with
48 hours after the meeting. The decision of the Appeals
Committee will be final, unless the recommended penalty
is dismissal or expulsion from the College.
8. If the recommended penalty is dismissal or expulsion, the
cadet may appeal to the President of the College.
Student Educational Records
Marion Military Institute maintains an official academic record in the
Office of the Registrar for each cadet. This permanent academic
record includes all completed coursework, grades, and grade point
averages. Access to academic records is provided in accordance with
the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as amended in 1974.
Procedures for cadet access to the academic record are published
annually in the Cadet Handbook. The Institute reserves the right to
not release a transcript if a cadet has outstanding financial obligations
to the college.
The Institute may release “Directory Information” as defined by
Marion Military Institute under the authority of the Act, unless the
cadet informs the Office of the Registrar that such information should
not be released without the cadet’s prior consent. Directory
information as defined by Marion Military Institute under the
authority of the Act, includes a cadet’s name, addresses (campus,
home, mailing), email, and telephone numbers, class level, previous
institutions attended, awards, honors, including Dean’s List and
President’s List, degrees conferred, including dates, dates of
attendance, names of parents, past and present participation in
officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (e.g., height
and weight of athletes), and date and place of birth. A written request
to withhold Directory Information must be filled with the MMI Office
of the Registrar by the third week of the first semester for such
information not be released.