Page 13 - Academic Catalog
P. 13

A summary of diagnostic findings is a component of the report. The   1.  Plagiarism - The use of another’s words, ideas, thoughts,
        summary  might  include  an  indication  of  how  patterns  of   data, or products without appropriate acknowledgement.
        inattentiveness and/or hyperactivity validate the presence of ADHD,   Some examples of plagiarism are:  copying another’s work,
        and  the  elimination  of  alternative  explanations  for  academic   presenting  someone  else’s  thoughts,  opinions,  words,
        problems (such as poor study habits, lack of motivation, psychological   and/or  theories  as  one’s  own,  or  working  jointly  on  a
        or medical problems).                                            project and then submitting it as one’s own work.
                                                                     2.  Cheating  -  The  use  or  attempted  use  of  unauthorized
                                                                         materials, information, or study aids – printed or electronic
                                                                         –or  an  act  of  deceit  by  which  a  cadet  attempts  to
                                                                         misrepresent academic skills or knowledge; unauthorized
                                                                         copying  or  collaboration;  duplicate  submission  (i.e.,
                                                                         submitting previously accomplished work).  Also included is
                                                                         paying  money  or  providing  favors  to  another  person  or
                                                                         entity for any academic work for submission as one’s own
                                                                     3.  Fabrication – Intentional misrepresentation or invention of
                                                                         any  information  such  as  falsifying  research,  inventing  or
                                                                         exaggerating  data,  or  listing  incorrect  or  fictitious
                                                                         references (e.g., padding a bibliography.)
                                                                     4.  Collusion – Assisting another person to commit and act of
                                                                         academic  dishonesty  such  as  paying,  bribing  or  coercing
                                                                         someone to acquire a test or assignment, taking a test or
                                                                         doing  an  assignment  for  someone  else,  or  allowing

                                                                         someone to do these things for one’s own benefit.
        Marion Military Institute Academic Integrity Policy
                                                                     5.  Academic Misconduct – The intentional violation of MMI

                                                                         academic  policies  such  as  tampering  with  grades,
        Marion  Military  Institute  (MMI)  cadets  are  expected  to  behave  as
                                                                         misrepresenting one’s identity, or taking part in obtaining
        mature and responsible members of the collegiate community, which
                                                                         or  distributing  any  part  of  a  test,  quiz,  or  evaluation
        includes  practicing  the  highest  honorable  and  ethical  standards  in
                                                                         instrument  or  any  information  about  a  test,  quiz  or
        their academic work.  Cadets adhere to the Cadet Code of Conduct
                                                                         evaluation instrument.
        and the Cadet Honor Code.  MMI strives to provide cadets with the

        knowledge, skills, judgment, and wisdom they need to function in
                                                                  Levels of Policy Violations
        society  as  responsible,  educated  adults.    Violations  of  academic

        integrity, therefore, corrupt the essential process of higher education.
                                                                  Any  violation  of  academic  integrity  is  a  serious  offense  and  is,

                                                                  therefore,  subject  to  an  appropriate  academic  penalty(ies)
        Cadet Code of Academic Integrity
                                                                  recommended by a faculty member and assigned by a department

                                                                  chair, the Chief Instructional Officer/Academic Dean, and in instances
        Integrity is the quality of being honest and fair.  MMI cadets assume
                                                                  of dismissal or expulsion, the President.  Once violations of academic
        full  responsibility  for  the  content  and  integrity  of  the  coursework
        submitted, which is a direct application of the MMI Cadet Honor Code   integrity are substantiated and academic penalty(ies) assigned, the
                                                                  results  of  all  academic  decisions  will  be  submitted  to  the
        (see Cadet Handbook).  The following is an expected academic code
        for MMI cadets to observe.                                Commandant’s Office to be filed in the cadet’s disciplinary record.
                                                                  Furthermore, all reports, materials, and academic decisions will be
                                                                  submitted to the Honor Council for potential disciplinary actions (s)
            1.  Cadets must do their own work and submit only their work
               on examinations, quizzes, reports, homework, assignments,   for violations against the Cadet Code of Conduct and Honor Code.
               and projects, unless otherwise permitted by the instructor.
               Cadets  are  encouraged  to  contact  their  instructor  about   Academic integrity violations at MMI are classified into two levels:
               appropriate citation guidelines.                   Level I and Level II.
            2.  Cadets  may  benefit  from  working  in  groups.    They  may
               collaborate  or  cooperate  with  other  cadets  on  graded   Level I – Less severe violations.
               assignments or examinations as directed by the instructor.
            3.  Cadets must follow all written and/or verbal instructions   Level II – More severe violations for which the possible penalties may
               given by instructors or designated college representatives   include recommendation of dismissal or expulsion from MMI.
               prior to taking examinations, placement assessments, tests,
               quizzes, and evaluations.                          Whether a given violation is classified as Level I or Level II depends on
            4.  Cadets  are  responsible  for  adhering  to  all  course   the following:
               requirements  as  specified  by  the  instructor  in  a  course
               syllabus.                                             a.  The nature and importance of the academic exercise.
                                                                     b.  The degree of premeditation and/or planning by the violator.
        Forms of Academic Dishonesty                                    The extent of dishonest or malicious intent by the violator.
                                                                     d.  The length of time that the violator has been enrolled as a
        Actions constituting violations of academic integrity include, but are   cadet.
        not limited to, the following:                               e.  Whether the violation is a first-time or repeat offense.

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