Page 16 - Academic Catalog
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c.    If,  due  to  extenuating  circumstances,  an  in-person   7.  Maintain all applicable reporting documents, recommendations,
                meeting is not possible, notify the cadet through email or   and determination(s) for all Level I and Level II offenses in the
                phone of the decision                                Academic Office files.
        3.  Upon completion of cadet notification, notify the CIO/Academic
            Dean and instructor of the decision(s) and provide all written   Cadet Appeal Procedures
            documentation to the CIO.
                                                                  If  a  cadet  has  been  found  to  have  committed  a  violation  of  the
        Department  Chair  Responsibilities  and  Procedures  –  Academic   Academic  Integrity  Policy,  the  cadet  has  the  right  to  appeal  the
        Dishonesty Incident - Level II Offense                    decision.  The appeals process is as follows.

        1.  Review the Academic Dishonesty Report and all accompanying   Level I Offense
            evidence.  Review the incident’s qualification as a Level I or Level   1.  Submit a written request to the CIO/Academic Dean within
            II offense.                                                  5  business/academic  days  after  the  time  the  cadet  was
        2.  If  in  agreement  the  allegation  is  a  Level  II  offense,  render  a   informed  of  the  decision,  requesting  a  review  of  the
            decision  as  to  recommended  penalty(ies)  based  on  those   determination of the violation and resulting penalties.
            outlined  in  the  Academic  Dishonesty  Policy  and  forward  the   2.  Within  5  business/academic  days  after  receipt  of  the
            recommendation(s), the Academic Dishonesty Report form, and   request,  the  CIO/Academic  Dean  will  render  a  written
            all accompanying evidence to the CIO/Academic Dean within 3   decision.
            business (academic) days.                                3.  If  the  cadet  wishes  to  appeal  the  CIO’s  decision  to  the
        3.  If  it  is  not  deemed  to  be  a  Level  II  offense,  confer  with  the   Academic  Appeals  Committee,  he  must  inform  the
            instructor and make a decision on penalty(ies) within 2 business   CIO/Academic Dean in writing within 5 academic/business
            (academic) days.  The final decision of the Department Chair will   days of receipt of the CIO’s decision.
            stand.  Follow appropriate protocol based on the determined   4.  The  CIO  will  convene  the  Academic  Appeals  Committee
            level for the incident.                                      within 10 business/academic days to hear the appeal.  The
            a.  The  instructor  will  meet  with  the  cadet  not  less  than  2   cadet  will  be  notified  at  least  5  days  in  advance  of  the
               business (academic) days of the final decision to inform of   hearing as to the date, time, and place.
               him/her of the decision and penalty(ies)              5.  If the cadet wishes to introduce evidence to the Committee,
        4.  Forward all materials and final decisions to the CIO/Academic   the evidence must be received by the CIO/Academic Dean
            Dean within 2 business (academic) days.                      at  least  2  academic/business  days  before  the  scheduled
             a.  If, due to extenuating circumstances, the decision and all   Appeals Committee meeting.
                accompanying  paperwork  cannot  be  forwarded  with  2   6.  The  Appeals  Committee  will  consider  all  evidence
                business (academic) days, notify the CIO/Academic Dean   submitted by the faculty member, Department Chair, and
                through  email  or  phone  of  the  incident  and  the   cadet, if applicable.  Additionally, the cadet may appear at
                recommendation for penalty(ies)                          the meeting to speak in front of the Committee.
             b.  Complete  and  forward  all  documentation  and     7.  The  Appeals  Committee  decision  will  render  a  written
                recommendations  to  the  CIO/Academic  Dean  at  the    decision  within  48  hours  of  the  hearing,  and  the
                earliest possibility (not more than 5 business (academic)   Committee’s decision will be final.
                days).                                               8.  The CIO/Academic Dean will meet with the cadet to inform
        5.  Upon receiving the final decision from the CIO/Academic Dean   him/her of the Committee’s final decision not less than 1
            for Level II offenses, advise the instructor.                business (academic) day.

        CIO/Academic  Dean  Responsibilities  and  Procedures  –  Academic   Level II Offense
        Dishonesty Incident - Level II Offense                       1.  Submit a written request to the Executive Vice President
                                                                         (EVP)/Chief   Academic   Officer   (CAO)   within   5
        1.  Review the Academic Dishonesty Report, all evidence, and the   business/academic  days  after  the  time  the  cadet  was
            recommendation(s) of the Department Chair.  Render a decision   informed of the decision, for review of the violation and
            for  penalty(ies)  based  on  the  options  listed  under  Level  II   resulting penalties.
            penalties.                                               2.  Within  10  business/academic  days  after  receipt  of  the
        2.  Within 3 business (academic) days, forward written notification   request, the EVP/CIO will render a written decision.
            of the final decision to the Department Chair. (See above #5)    3.  If  the  cadet  wishes  to  appeal  the  Executive  Vice
              a.  If, due to extenuating circumstances, the decision cannot   President/Chief  Academic  Officer’s  decision  to  the
                 be forwarded with 3 business (academic) days, notify the   Academic  Appeals  Committee,  he  must  inform  the
                 Department Chair through email or phone of the decision   EVP/CAO in writing within 5 academic/business days of the
                 regarding  penalty(ies),  or  when  a  decision  will  be   receipt of the decision.
                 rendered (not more than 5 business (academic) days.     4.  The  EVP/CAO  will  convene  the  Academic  Appeals
        3.  Meet with the offending cadet to advise of the final decision(s)   Committee within 10 academic/business days to hear the
            within 2 business (academic) days of the final decision.     appeal.    The cadet will be notified at least 5 days in advance
              a.  Inform the Department Chair of the meeting             of the hearing as to the date, time, and place.
        4.  Permanently  maintain  copies  of  all  documents,  including  the   5.  If the cadet wishes to introduce evidence to the Committee,
            Academic  Dishonesty  Report,  all  supporting  evidence,  and  all   the evidence must be received by the EVP/CAO at least 2
            written decisions.                                           academic/business  days  before  the  scheduled  Appeals
        5.  Forward copies of all materials to the Honor Council for review   Committee meeting.
            to determine potential Honor Code violations.            6.  The  Appeals  Committee  will  consider  all  evidence
        6.  Forward a copy of the written determination of penalty(ies) to   submitted  by  the  faculty  member,  Department  Chair,
            the Commandant for inclusion in the cadet’s disciplinary file.   CIO/Academic Dean, and cadet, if applicable.    Additionally,
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