Page 15 - Academic Catalog
P. 15
Department Chair Responsibilities and Procedure – Academic End of Semester Academic Integrity Violations
Dishonesty Incident - Level I Offense
If a cadet is accused of any academic integrity violations during the
1. Review the Academic Dishonesty Report, all accompanying final weeks prior to his/her graduation, the same procedures will be
evidence, opinion as to Level I or Level II, and recommended followed. Every effort will be made to resolve the case before
penalty(ies). Review the incident’s qualification as a Level graduation, but if the case has not been resolved, the cadet may or
I or Level II offense. If determined that the offense qualifies may not be permitted to participate in graduation without receiving
as Level I, then render a written decision within 3 business a diploma. The decision to allow participation in graduation rests
or academic days. with the President of Marion Military Institute, in conjunction with
2. If an in-person meeting with the cadet is possible, meet the Chief Instructional Officer (CIO)/Academic Dean and the Executive
with the cadet and provide the written decision to him/her. Vice President (EVP)/Chief Academic Officer (CAO).
If, due to extenuating circumstances, an in-person meeting
is not possible within 3 business or academic days, notify For those violations occurring at the end of a semester, the faculty,
the cadet through email or phone of the decision. Department Chair, and CIO/Academic Dean and EVP/CAO, if
3. At the same time, notify the CIO/Academic Dean of the applicable, will follow the same procedures as for other violations
decision and provide all written documentation to the CIO. through the semester. The cadet will also have the same appeal
rights as noted below. The College, however, maintains the right to
Department Chair Responsibilities and Procedure – Academic extend deadlines for receipt of notifications due to the faculty
Dishonesty Incident - Level II Offense summer schedule.
1. Review the Academic Dishonesty Report and all
accompanying evidence. Review the incident’s Faculty Responsibilities and Procedures - Academic Dishonesty
qualification as a Level I or Level II offense. If in agreement Incident
that it is a Level II offense, render a decision as to
recommended penalty(ies), based on those outlined in the 1. Document the commission of the act by writing down the date,
Academic Dishonesty Policy and forward the time, place, and a description of the violation.
recommendation, the Academic Dishonesty Form, and all 2. Collect the evidence of the violation: device used for cheating
accompanying evidence to the CIO/Academic Dean within (when applicable); proof of cheating, plagiarism, collusion,
3 business or academic days. fabrication, etc., and/or various samples of the cadet’s previous
2. If it is not deemed to be a Level II offense, confer with the work showing a disparity in style, quality, or ability.
instructor and make a decision. The decision of the 3. Complete an Academic Dishonesty Report.
Department Chair will stand. Follow appropriate protocol 4. Provide the cadet an opportunity to explain the incident and,
based on the determined level for the incident. then, make a written account of the response and ask the cadet
3. If, due to extenuating circumstances, the decision and all to sign the form. If the cadet refuses to sign the document, note
accompanying paperwork cannot be forwarded with 3 the refusal on the form.
academic days, notify the CIO/Academic Dean through 5. Determine, in your opinion, whether the incident is Level I or
email or phone of the incident and the recommendation for Level II. Explain the parameters and potential penalties for
penalty(ies). academic dishonesty to the cadet and provide the cadet with a
copy of the Academic Dishonesty policy.
CIO/Academic Dean Responsibilities and Procedure – Academic 6. Within 3 business (academic) days of the infraction, submit the
Dishonesty Incident - Level II Offense completed Academic Dishonesty Report, accompanying
evidence, an opinion as to whether the infraction qualifies as
1. Review the Academic Dishonesty Form, all evidence, and Level I or Level II, and recommended penalties to his/her
the recommendation of the Department Chair. Render a Department Chair based on the penalty options listed in the
decision for penalty(ies) based on the options that are listed Academic Dishonesty Policy (See above).
under Level II penalties. a. If extenuating circumstances prevent the delivery of the
2. Within 3 business or academic days, forward written form and evidence to the Department chair, at a minimum
notification of the final decision to the Department Chair. notify the Department Chair that an infraction has
If, due to extenuating circumstances, the decision cannot occurred and the required paperwork will be forthcoming
be forwarded with 3 academic/business days, notify the in due course (not less than 3 business (academic) days).
Department Chair through email or phone of the decision
regarding penalty(ies). Department Chair Responsibilities and Procedures – Academic
3. Meet with the cadet to advise of the final decision and Dishonesty Incident - Level I Offense
review the cadet appeal procedure.
4. Permanently maintain copies of all documents, including 1. Review the Academic Dishonesty Report, all accompanying
the Academic Dishonesty Form, all supporting evidence, evidence, instructor’s opinion as to Level I or Level II, and
and all written decisions. recommended penalty(ies). Review the incident’s qualification
5. Forward copies of all materials to the Honor Council for as a Level I or Level II offense along with recommendations.
review to determine potential Honor Code violations. 2. If determined the offense qualifies as Level I, render a written
6. Forward a copy of the written determination of penalty(ies) decision within 3 business (academic) days.
to the Commandant for inclusion in the cadet’s disciplinary a. Meet with the cadet not less than 2 additional business
file. (academic) days to inform him/her of the decision
b. In the in-person meeting with the cadet, provide the
written decision to him/her