Page 19 - Academic Catalog
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General Admissions Information and Procedures 1. Active epilepsy;
2. Diabetes requiring special diet and insulin therapy;
Candidates for admission and their families are encouraged to visit 3. Blindness;
the campus and tour the campus facilities. During the visit, the 4. Deafness;
candidate will meet with an admissions counselor. Appointments 5. Chronic renal disease;
should be made by phoning the MMI Admissions Office at 1-800- 6. Chronic cardiac disease;
MMI-1842. 7. Severe symptomatic asthma;
8. Any severe neuromuscular or orthopedic disease or any
All students seeking admission to the collegiate programs at Marion other substantial physical limiting condition, which, in the
Military Institute must comply with the following procedures. opinion of the medical staff, would interfere with the
cadet’s performance and physical activity in accordance
1. Complete and submit an Application for Admission to with Marion Military’s requirements; and/or
include a $30 application fee. 9. Inability to participate fully in required physical activities.
2. Submit one primary form of documentation or two
secondary forms of identification. Submission of this Behavioral/health standards considered disqualifying for admission:
document must be either in person or through submission
of a notarized copy through U.S. mail. 1. Any felony criminal conviction;
2. Any other conviction where the cadet is still on probation
Primary forms of documentation include: an unexpired or under the jurisdiction of the courts adjudication phase.
Alabama Driver’s License or instruction permit; unexpired This includes charges that have not been fully resolved
Alabama identification card; unexpired U.S. Passport; because of pending court dates, directed educational
unexpired U.S. Permanent Resident Card; Resident Alien programs or community service or mandatory counseling
Card – Pre 1977; Unexpired Driver’s License or instruction requirements
permit from another state or possession that verifies lawful 3. Any permanent dismissal from any school;
presence, dated 2000 and beyond; U.S. Alien Registration 4. Any attempted suicide;
Receipt Card (Form I-151) prior to 1978; BIA or tribal 5. Manic-depressive disorder, evidence of emotional
identification card with photo; or I-797 Form with disturbance, bipolar disorder, regularly scheduled
expiration date. psychological counseling or any other severe psychological
3. Provide all official academic transcripts and official copies disorders or limiting condition which in the opinion of the
of ACT and/ or SAT scores. Incoming freshmen are expected medical staff would interfere with the cadet’s ability to
to have completed the following high school requirements: function satisfactorily at Marion Military Institute;
4 credits of English; 4 credits of mathematics to include 6. Demonstrated inability to meet the existing academic
algebra I, II, and geometry; 4 credits of science to include requirements without significant accommodations that
biology and physical science; and 4 credits of social studies. would alter the academic mission of the Institute;
4. Provide a copy of the applicant’s social security card. 7. A drug addiction; and/or
5. Submit a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or proof of 8. An alcohol addiction.
U.S. citizenship.
6. Submit a copy of the applicant’s immunization records. Upon admission, an individual who discloses a disability can request
(Current immunizations must provide for protection against reasonable accommodations. Individuals will be asked to provide
diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, rubella, and mumps; documentation of the disability in order to assist with the provision
two (2) doses of measles vaccine are required of appropriate reasonable accommodations. MMI will provide
7. Submit proof of registration with Selective Service (males, reasonable accommodations, but is not required to substantially alter
ages 18 through 26). the requirements or nature of its programs or provide
8. Submit $200 room deposit. accommodations that inflict an undue burden. Supplemental
9. Meet medical criteria as described below. learning aids and/or materials are the responsibility of the student.
In addition to meeting reasonable standards of good health, Admission to an Associate Degree Program for First-time College
applicants must exhibit good conduct, a willingness to accept Students
responsibilities for their actions, and respect for others. Applicants
must also meet academic and physical competency standards as part An applicant who has not previously attended a duly-accredited
of their admission, which may exclude persons with specific postsecondary institution will be designated a first-time college
disabilities. They must have exhibited the capacity to adjust to and student/native student. For unconditional admission and to be
work effectively in a closely monitored, highly disciplined, and classified as “degree-eligible,” applicants must have on file at the
occasionally stressful environment. institution a completed application for admission and meet at least
one of the following criteria.
All cadets are required to participate in certain physical activities (e.g.,
marching with a rifle in formation, participating in intramural 1. An official transcript showing graduation with the Alabama
athletics), all considered essential to the traditions of a military school High School Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State
and to the development of individual leadership skills and a sense of Board of Education, the high school diploma of another
camaraderie as a member of the Corps of Cadets state equivalent to the Alabama High School Diploma, or an
equivalent diploma issued by a non-public, regionally
Physical standards considered disqualifying for admission: and/or state-accredited high school. Applicants who hold a
certificate or any other award issued in lieu of a diploma are
ineligible for admission.