Page 14 - Academic Catalog
P. 14

Level I Violations                                        Penalties for Academic Dishonesty

        Level  I  violations  are  less  serious  violations  of  academic  integrity.    Level I Penalties – include, but are not limited to, one or more of
        They may occur because of inexperience or lack of understanding of   the following:
        the principles of academic integrity and are often characterized by a
        relatively low degree of premeditation or planning with the absence   a.  Verbal  and  written  warning  to  the  cadet  which  is
        of malicious intent on the part of the cadet committing the violation.    maintained in their disciplinary record
        These  violations  are  generally  quite  limited  in  extent,  occur  on  a   b.  No  credit  and/or  a  failing  grade  for  the  original
        minor assignment or quiz or constitute a small portion of a major   assignment
        assignment and/or represent a small percentage of the total course   c.   Completion  of  an  assigned  paper  or  research  project
        work.                                                              related to ethics and/or academic integrity
                                                                       d.  A make-up assignment
        Below are few examples of violations that are most often considered   e.  A failing grade for the course
        Level I, at least when committed by a cadet as a first-time offense.    f.   Loss of privileges for a defined period of time (restricted
        This list is not exhaustive and classification of a given violation as Level   to campus)
        I is always heavily dependent on the specific facts and circumstances
        of the violation.                                            Level II Penalties – include, but are not limited to, one or more
                                                                     of the following:
           a.  Improper citation without dishonest intent
           b.  Plagiarism on a minor assignment or a very limited portion of   a.  A failing grade for the course
               a major assignment                                      b.  Loss of privileges for a defined period of time (restricted
           c.   Unpremeditated cheating on a quiz or minor examination     to campus)
           d.  Unauthorized  collaboration  with  another  cadet  on  a   c.   Denial of access to internships or specialty programs
               homework assignment                                     d.  Loss  of  appointment  to  academically-based  positions
           e.  Citing a source that does not exist or one hasn’t read on a   (Tutor)
               minor assignment                                        e.  Loss of departmental, faculty, and/or staff endorsements
           f.   Making up a small number of data points on a laboratory    for  internal  and  external  support  (i.e.,  letters  of
               exercise                                                    recommendation) and/or employment opportunities
           g.   Signing in for another cadet via attendance or clicker in a   f.   Referral to Program Directors and/or Advisors (i.e., SAP,
               course                                                      ECP or LEP) who may initiate dismissal from a program
                                                                           and/or  report  infraction  to  the  respective  sponsoring
        Note:  An alleged second Level I violation shall be treated as an alleged   agency
        Level II violation.                                            g.   Recommended dismissal or expulsion from MMI.

        Level II Violations
                                                                  Reporting Procedures
        Level II violations are very serious violations of academic integrity that
        affect a more significant portion of the coursework compared to Level   Faculty  Responsibilities  and  Procedure  -  Academic  Dishonesty
        I violations.  Level II violations are often characterized by substantial   Incident
        premeditation or planning and are clearly dishonest and/or are of
        malicious intent on the part of the cadet committing the violation.   1.  Document the commission of the act by writing down the
                                                                         date, time, place, and a description of the violation.
        Below  are  some  examples  of  violations  that  are  most  often   2.  Collect  the  evidence  of  the  violation:    device  used  for
        considered  Level  II.    The  list  is  certainly  not  exhaustive,  and   cheating (when applicable); proof of cheating, plagiarism,
        classification  of  a  given  violation  as  Level  II  is  always  heavily   collusion, fabrication; and/or various samples of the cadet’s
        dependent on the exact facts and circumstances of the violation.   previous work showing a disparity in style, quality, or ability.
                                                                     3.  Complete an Academic Dishonesty Report.
           a.  A second Level I violation                            4.  Provide the cadet an opportunity to explain the incident
           b.  Substantial plagiarism on a major assignment              and then make a written account of the response and ask
           c.   Copying  or  using  unauthorized  materials,  devices,  or   the cadet to sign the form.   If the cadet refuses to sign the
               collaboration on a major exam                             document, note the refusal on the form.
           d.  Having a substitute take an examination               5.  Determine, in your opinion, whether the incident is Level I
           e.  Paying  another  person  or  entity  or  other  quid  pro  quo   or Level II.    Explain the parameters and potential penalties
               arrangement for any academic work presented as one’s own   for academic dishonesty to the cadet and provide the cadet
           f.   Making  up  or  falsifying  evidence  or  data  or  other  source   with a copy of the Academic Dishonesty policy.
               materials for a major assignment, including falsification by   6.  Within 3 business (school) days of the infraction, submit the
               selectively  omitting  or  altering  data  that  do  not  support   completed  Academic  Dishonesty  Report,  accompanying
               one’s claims or conclusions                               evidence, an opinion as to whether the infraction qualifies
                   g.   Facilitating  dishonesty  by  another  cadet  on  a   as Level I or Level II, and recommended penalties to his/her
                       major exam or assignment                          Department Chair, based on the penalty options as listed in
              h.  Intentionally  destroying  or  obstructing  another  cadet’s   the  Academic  Dishonesty  Policy.      If  extenuating
                 work                                                    circumstances  prevent  the  delivery  of  the  form  and
              i.   Any violation involving potentially criminal activity   evidence  to  the  Department  chair,  at  least  notify  the
                                                                         Department  Chair  that  an  infraction  has  occurred  and
                                                                         required paperwork will be forthcoming.
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