Page 48 - OCHA-PHL-Consolidated-Provincial-Profiles-March-2018
P. 48

Philippines: Sorsogon Provincial Profile
                                                                     1                 14                541

                                                                     CITY           MUNICIPALITIES      BARANGAYS
                                                                 POPULATION                            Source: PSA 2015 & 2010 Census / DSWD

                                          Albay Gulf
                                                                                                    8.5%    91.5%

                                                     PRIETO                           166,853
                                          CITY OF    DIAZ        792,949
                                         SORSOGON                                     Households       Urban / Rural
          DONSOL           CASTILLA
                    PILAR                        GUBAT                49.0%                          51.0 %
                                      Sorsogon Bay                    Female                               Male
                                  Sablayan Is.                        (388.4K)            8%           (404.5K)
                                                                              37.4K     >59 y.o.  28.2K
                       Bantayan Is.              BARCELONA
                           Bagatao Is.  JUBAN                                            47%
                                MAGALLANES                     182.1K                   19-59 y.o.              182.4K
                                           IROSIN                            53.0K      13-18 y.o.  58.0K
                                                SANTA                                    24%
                                              MAGDALENA                  90.8K           3-12 y.o.     98.3K
                                                    San Bernardino Strait                 7%
                             Ticao Pass    MATNOG                                       0-2 y.o.
                                                     Tikli Is.                  24.9K            27.5K
                                                    Juac Is.
                                                               Vulnerable groups (based on DSWD-NHTS database)
                                                Calintaan Is.
    Legend                                     Conditional Cash Transfer
                                               programming beneficiaries
       Volcano                                      60,515     Female   6        144       1,812     4,358    4,748
       Airport                                      Households   Male   22       457       2,203     1,559    3,569
       Province capital                                              Child-headed  Single-headed  Poor individuals  Solo parent  Poor individuals
       Poverty incidence (%)  </= 10  11 - 30  31 - 50  51 - 60  61 - 84  households  households  w/ disability  =>18 years old  =>65 years old

       WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE            Source: PSA 2015/2010 Census  SHELTER                       Source: PSA 2015 Census
    Water                                                      Roof/Wall material
                                                                     166,106                   Roof
                                                                    Housing units

        Faucet                                                                                                Salvaged
       community   Tubed;   Dug            Natural                                    Strong       Light
        system   piped    well     Bottled  sources  Others
       51.1%    23.8%    6.1%     8.4%     8.7%   1.9%                         Strong  47.0%      13.5%       0.0%
    Toilets (based on census 2010)
                                                                               Light  6.6%        32.1%       0.0%
              75.1%       15.1%            7.1%       2.7%
                                                                               Salvaged  0.1%      0.2%       0.1%

      Water-sealed    None         Closed pit     Open pit
       EDUCATION            Source: DepEd 2016  NUTRITION             Source: FNRI 2013/2015  HEALTH  Source: DOH (Personnel 2016/Facilities 2017)

                                            Malnutrition  (0-60 months old)        Personnel
                     Primary schools

         76,455          67,227
         Male primary    Female primary      35.0%        30.4%       4.5%*         243       266      117      32
         school students  school students
                                              Stunting   Underweight   Wasting      Midwives  Nurses  Doctors  Dentists
                                              * Estimates with coefficient of variation greater than 20
                      98                    Food
                      Secondary schools
             33,225      33,461             (households)  15.6%  48.0% 16.7%
             Male secondary   Female secondary                                        187         18          8
             school students  school students          Mild    Moderate  Severe
                                                                                   Barangay health  Rural health  Hospitals
                                                                                      stations    units  (government/private)
   The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.                                    Creation date: February 2018
   Sources: PSA, DOH, NAMRIA, FNRI, DepEd, DSWD        Feedback:,,
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