Page 86 - OCHA_PHL_Provincial_Profiles_2018
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Philippines: Surigao del Norte Provincial Profile
             Surigao del Norte is a province of the Philippines located in the Caraga region in Mindanao. Its capital is Surigao City. Surigao del Norte is the
             second northernmost of the Mindanao provinces and is an important transportation hub between Visayas and Mindanao. It is bounded on the North
             and East by the Pacific Ocean, on the South by the Provinces of Agusan del Norte and Surigao del Sur and on the West by the Surigao Strait.
             Numerous ferries cross the Surigao Strait between Surigao and the island of Leyte carrying
             vehicles and passengers between Liloan in Southern Leyte and Surigao City.(Source: http://ww-  1  20  335
                                                 CITY   MUNICIPALITIES  BARANGAYS

                                                                 POPULATION                            Source: PSA 2015 & 2010 Census / DSWD
                   DINAGAT      Dinagat Sound
                   ISLANDS                    SANTA
                                                  BURGOS                                               22.1%  77.9%
                                            BENITO  SAN
                               Halian Is.                                             108,814
                                               Siargao Is.      485,088               households
           Hikdop Is.                       DEL                                                        Urban / Rural
                                           CARMEN  PILAR
                           Hinatuan Is.              LUNA             49.0%                          51.0 %
                                                DAPA                  female                               male
     SAN    CITY                                       Daco Is.       (237.4K)                         (247.6K)
   FRANCISCO             Talavera Is.                                                     8%
   (ANAO-AON)   TAGANA-AN                                                     22.5K    > 60 years  17.8K
                                                 Casulian Is.
           SISON                       SOCORRO      Lajanosa Is.                         50%
               PLACER                                          117.9K                  19-59 years              125.5K
                                                 Anahawan Is.
                   BACUAG    Lapinigan Is.             Mamon Is.
           MAINIT  TUBOD
    MALIMONO                                                                             13%
                                                                             30.2K     13-18 years  32.6K
                 ALEGRIA                                                                 22%
             Lake             CLAVER                                      51.7K        3-12 years     55.4K
                                                                                14.9K  < 2 years  16.1K
                   AGUSAN                      Lanuza Bay
                     DEL                                       Vulnerable groups (based on DSWD-NHTS database)
                    NORTE                      Conditional Cash Transfer
                                   DEL SUR     Programming Beneficiaries
    Legend                                          33,976     Female   5        332       1,981    3,291     5,758
       Airport                                      households   Male   47       936       2,309    1,273     4,364
       Province capital                                              child-headed  single-headed  poor individuals  solo parent  poor individuals
       Poverty incidence (%)  </= 10  11 - 30  31 - 50  51 - 60  61 - 84  households  households  w/ disability  =>18 years old  =>65 years old
       WATER, SANITATION AND HYGEINE            Source: PSA 2015/2010 Census  SHELTER                       Source: PSA 2015 Census
    Water                                                     Roof/Wall material
                                                                     106,660                   Roof
                                                                    Housing units
        Faucet                                                                        Strong       Light     Salvaged
       community   Tubed;   Dug            Natural
        system   piped    well    Bottled  sources  Others
       57.1%    7.9%     1.2%    26.1%    5.7%    2.0%                         Strong  50.7%       2.4%       0.0%
    Toilets (based on census 2010)
                                                                               Light  22.8%       23.3%       0.1%
              84.5%        8.9%            4.0%      2.6%

     Water-sealed    None          Closed pit     Open pit                     Salvaged  0.2%      0.2%       0.1%

       EDUCATION            Source: DepEd 2016  NUTRITION             Source: FNRI 2013/2015  HEALTH  Source: DOH (Personnel 2016/Facilities 2017)
                                            Malnutrition  (0-60 months old)        Personnel
                     Primary schools
         43,598          39,540
         Male primary    Female primary      35.5%        29.0%       12.3%         149      216       91       11
         school students  school students
                                              Stunting   Underweight   Wasting     Midwives  Nurses   Doctors  Dentists
                      82                    Food
                      Secondary schools
             18,009      18,120             (households)  14.2%  45.7% 14.8%
             Male secondary   Female secondary                                        103         27          6
             school students  school students          Mild   Moderate  Severe
                                                                                   Barangay health  Rural health  Hospitals
                                                                                      stations    units  (government/private)
   The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.                                    Creation date: February 2018
   Sources: PSA, DOH, NAMRIA, FNRI, DepEd, DSWD        Feedback:,,
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