Page 107 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 107

Detailed Design  Approach 1 - worked example  9.7  Water quality  Open water features should not receive flows    Detailed Design

      Rainfall picks up pollution from development
 For the purpose of the example the following
      surfaces. As runoff moves slowly through
                                                             directly from development without sufficient
 rates are assumed:
 1 in 1 year        3.5 l/s
      SuDS components most pollution is removed
 1 in 100 year    11.1 l/s
      through sedimentation, filtration and
                                                                Hydrocarbons remain in pond sediments
 Depths of storage are assumed as 150mm and
      bioremediation.  Naturally occurring
                                                                for extended periods.
 600mm for 1 in 1 year and 1 in 100 year return
      processes in many SuDS components break
 periods respectively.
 1 in 1 year
                                                                the aquatic environment and add to
      no build up or need for removal of this
 65mm opening with 150mm depth of storage for 1   450mm additional storage -  422mm head for 2nd orifice  down organic pollution, meaning that there is     ■  Silts which carry heavy metals impact on
 in 1 year, which provides 3.5 l/s outflow .  600mm – total depth of storage  1 in 100 year rainfall + CCA  pollution over time.   maintenance problems due to the build-
 1 in 100 year   55mm dia.   The NPPF sets an obligation on proposed   up of toxic sediments.
 65mm opening for 600mm depth of storage   opening  development to have no negative impact on   The amenity and biodiversity value of ponds
 provides outflow rate of 6.9 l/s. Allowable   the environment and encourages provisioning   and wetlands should be protected with
 discharge is 11.1l/s.   opportunities for biodiversity and habitat   pollutants removed at source and along the
 Therefore 11.1 – 6.9 = 4.2 l/s. The additional flow   creation, not just in the wider landscape, but   management train.
 will be provided by an additional opening which   150mm 1in1   storage  65mm dia.
 will only operate once the 1 in 1 year storage is   opening  within development.
 utilised.  Using source control and the management
 Using an additional 55mm opening with invert   train, SuDS delivers the requirements of
 150mm above base invert of storage provides 4.2   NPPF by providing a controlled flow of clean   NPPF Paragraphs 165 and 170
 l/s outflow
      water through the development.
 101                                                                                                               102  Approach 2 methodology
 1.  Establish the Qbar rate for the flow
 A single opening can also be sized to   control location. The Qbar rate should be
 discharge at Qbar for the 1 in 100 year + CCA   proportional to the contributing
 rainfall event. This does not meet the   catchment.
 requirements of NSTS S2 but can be   2.  Define the maximum storage depth. For   9.7.1  The objectives of designing for water quality
 considered to demonstrate S6 as more flow   example 600mm could be adopted for
 is held back on site for longer.   the 1 in 100 year + CCA  rainfall event.     ■  Treat runoff to prevent negative impacts     ■  Manage surface water runoff at or close

 The Qbar (or Qmed) flow rate will occur   Define the maximum storage depth.   to the development’s landscape and   to source and at or near the surface
          biodiversity as well as receiving                     where possible to begin treatment quickly
 whenever the storage volume is full and the   3.  Define the orifice invert. A reasonable
 design head is reached.  This methodology is   starting point is to set the invert at the   watercourses and water bodies within the   and maximise treatment through the
          wider landscape.                                      system.
 simpler to apply than Approach 1 as there is   base (or slightly below the base) of
 only one target flow to be sized for, however,   storage.     ■  Design for interception losses to occur for   Where water quantity design adopts a SuDS
 it may also result in increased storage   4.  Using the appropriate orifice equation   most small rainfall events so that the most   management train approach, as outlined in
 volumes.   establish the opening size which will   polluted part of runoff is more effectively   this document, water quality objectives are
 The following steps outline the process of   convey the required QBar flow rate at the   held and treated on site.   normally achieved by default, due to the
 calculating the opening size of an orifice to   defined 1 in 100 year head (depth of water   number of components already limited in

 discharge at Qbar rate.  above the orifice).                series.

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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