Page 109 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 109

Detailed Design  9.7.2  What water quality design should demonstrate   For low to medium risk sites, the indices   Detailed Design
      approach for discharge to surface waters is
 Effective treatment is provided through
 For effective treatment of runoff SuDS
      reasonably simplistic to apply.
 provision of source controls and a
 should be designed to:
      A level of understanding of the site’s soil and
 management train.
 reduce the frequency of runoff by
      underlying geology is required to undertake
 incorporating interception losses
      the infiltration risk screening assessment. The
      screening assessment will determine whether
 maximise travel time along the
      it will be permissible to infiltrate and the
 management train
      indices approach is applied to define the level
 trap a range of contaminates
      of treatment required prior to the point of
   ■  minimise impacts from accidental spillage.  infiltration.
      Discussion will be required with EA where the
                                                              SPZ areas identified on the EA website:
      site overlies Source Protection Zones 1 or 2 or
      where contamination is identified on                    wiyby/37833.aspx
 9.7.3  Hazard and mitigation risk assessment   brownfield sites.

 Prior to 2015, SuDS water quality design     ■  On low to medium risk sites where
 adopted the ‘treatment train’ approach. This   discharge is to surface water – apply
 inferred that treatment was provided by   ‘Hazard and Mitigation’ Indices approach

 allowing runoff to pass through a series of   to identify the number of SuDS
 suitable SuDS components prior to   components required (CIRIA SuDS Manual
 103   discharge. This method remains robust if   Section 26.7.1).                                                 104
 applied correctly, but has been refined by the
   ■  For medium risk sites where discharge is
 2015 CIRIA SuDS Manual which adopts a
 via infiltration, undertake risk screening to
 ‘Source-Pathway-Receptor’ approach, with
 establish whether infiltration will be
 the extent of analysis required associated
 permitted and apply the Indices approach
 with the level of risk.
 to identify the number of SuDS
 The varying levels of assessment are   components required prior to infiltration
 identified as follows:  (CIRIA SuDS Manual Section 26.7.2).

   ■  For High Risk sites, there is likely to be a
 requirement for a discharge licence. The
 Environment Agency will outline level of
 assessment required and discharge water          Design Notes:
 quality parameter compliance limits.   On freely draining sites where insufficient treatment is provided at the first stage of treatment
           source control, initial SuDS components may require lining to prevent direct infiltration
                                  carrying pollutants into underlying geology.
 Design Note:

 Table 26.15 of the 2015 SuDS Manual denotes that conventional gully and pipe drainage   On low to medium risk sites permeable pavement will provide sufficient treatment prior to
 provide zero treatment.     infiltration into the ground via the pavement subbase.

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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