Page 113 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 113

Detailed Design  9.8  Amenity  9.8.2 Accessibility                                                                Detailed Design

 Confirming integrated SuDS design
      All parts of the SuDS landscape should be
      accessible to both everyday users and site
 Amenity is one of the four pillars of SuDS
 design and perhaps open to the most
      Full accessibility requires safety by design for
 interpretation and judgement.
      every element of design including:
 Amenity focuses on the usefulness and
 aesthetic elements of SuDS design
 associated with features ‘at or near the
          changes of level
 surface’, and considers both multi-    ■   ■  open water
 functionality and visual quality.    ■  design detailing eg. headwalls, inlets and
 The amenity value of SuDS will have been

 considered at both Concept and Outline     ■  clear visibility of the system
 design stages but some finer aspects of value     ■  physical accessibility to all with an
 will be enhanced by detail design at stage.
          understanding of the limitations of level
                                                               Hopwood Park MSA M42. Wooden terrace and
 An evaluation of the successful integration of   changes and open water.  balastrade with wet bench and planted aquatic
 amenity uses the design criteria set out in                                 bench protection to open water.
 Concept Design.
 Informal play, through integrated design.
      9.8.3 Multifunctionality
 107   Many parts of the SuDS landscape can be               Other functionality can include:                      108
 9.8.1 Legibility  useful in ways not associated with managing

 Understanding how the SuDS design     ■  How does runoff travel from where it has   rainfall.     ■  play opportunity throughout the SuDS
 functions is important both to everyday users   been collected onwards through ‘source   Permeable pavement is an example of full
 of the SuDS environment and those who look   control’ components to each part of the   multi-functionality in that the surface is     ■  informal leisure like jogging, picnics,
 after it.  site. This is conveyance?  always available for managing rainfall and   dog-walking etc

 An exercise in following each management     ■  Where is runoff stored and cleaned along   also allows vehicle access, parking and     ■  community activities such as gardening
 train from source to outfall and imagining   the management train in ‘site controls’   pedestrian use.  etc
 how the scheme presents itself to the visitor   recognising that these functions may   Reasonably level green space can be used for     ■  wildlife habitat
 should highlight any problems with legibility.   occur within permeable construction?  sports and other social activity most of the
 Considerations will include:                                   ■  education.
   ■  Where are flow controls are located?  time but not when inundated. Everyday
   ■  How is rainfall collected?  rainfall (1-2 year return period events) can be   Usability of swales and basins can be
   ■  Are overflow and exceedance routes clear
      designed to be managed elsewhere in the                enhanced by under-draining into filter
   ■  What ‘source control’ techniques have   and understandable?  landscape.  trenches below the ground to keep grass
 been used and how they can be accessed     ■  Is the outfall obvious, accessible and   surfaces dry most of the time. For instance,
 and maintained?
 understandable?                                             within housing where grass surfaces are
                                                             valuable for play.

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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