Page 55 - SuDS Design & Evaluation Guide-Newham V4 Spreads
P. 55

7.5   Concept information required for SuDS evaluation
 Concept Design  The design team will provide a Concept   Constructive discussion between the LPA,   7.5.2  Preliminary water quantity considerations  Concept Design
 The information required at the Concept Design stage will depend on the type
      At the Concept Design stage it is necessary
      to show how runoff is collected and how it is
 and scope of the proposed development.
      stored within the development:
 7.5.1   Pre-application discussion
                                                                Approximate storage volumes should be
          The designer will confirm whether
 the LLFA, Thames Water and the SuDS
                                                                provided for each location where flows
          Approach 1 or Approach 2 is being used,
 designer will save the developer time and the
                                                                are attenuated.
 Design for a pre-application design meeting,
 cost of potential re-design, providing
 or as preliminary design information should a
 planners with reassurance that the project
 pre-application meeting not be appropriate.
                                                                sub-catchments and along the
          A reduction in the volume of rainfall
 that is delivered will meet local planning     ■  and confirm how volumes are being     ■  Storage will be demonstrated within
 Pre-application discussions with the LPA and   expectations.  discharged from the site will be   management train, with the location of
 LLFA provide an opportunity for the designer   demonstrated by ‘interception losses’ and   flow controls confirmed.
 to confirm the preliminary requirements for   long-term storage, where this is
 the SuDS design, and for the evaluation team   appropriate (Approach 1).
 to understand the objectives and character   The discussions will be informed by the ASA
 of the SuDS proposed for the development.  (Association of SuDS Authorities) NSTS for
 Sustainable Drainage: Practice Guidance.
                                                   Design Note:

           Ideally runoff should be stored in shallow landscape features. Where this is not possible,  deeper tank or pipe storage must be justified.

 49   statutory_suds_technical_standards_                                                                          50
 guidance_2016_.pdf                                    Two shallow raingardens provide storage at Measham
 A sunken SuDS courtyard with solar water feature        Leisure Centre.  Robust ground cover should persist
 into a formal rill at Bromsgrove Civic Centre.  (ASA were formally known as LASOO)  through winter in order to protect soils.

 Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  Newham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                        © 2020 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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