Page 2 - Team Play at Poco 2018
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Todd & Marsha Davis program brands include:
How well does your "Team Play"? How do you want your team to
Retreat & Recreate? Just as the Oak Creek flows through our When it comes to adults and competition we have
property so will the energy of your group as they Retreat to Recreate,
the perfect formula for Team Play! We were
Renew and Rejuvenate at Poco! Todd and Marsha Davis are the
pioneers in corporate fun and can guarantee and
facilitators for Team Play USA and coordinate a variety of experiences experience that engages all participants during
at Poco Diablo. Their facilitation integrates their Fun Factor with the
organized or social time.
outstanding facilities, grounds and customer service of the resort.
The "Fun Coaches" have brought their meeting groups to Poco to Keeping your team healthy and happy is our goals as
help increase team engagement strategies for professional we provide a variety of team workouts to improve
development and inspire work-leisure balance for personal growth. FUN at and AWAY from work! If people don’t look
They now want to share their creative programs with your group forward to time together, then engagement isn’t
next retreat at Poco. They listen, diagnose, design and deliver to fit working!
your goals and desired outcomes. Team Play offers your
The best form of team building is pairing it up with a
organization a variety of activities designed to connect your most cause while still providing creative processes. Our
valued resources, "people", through experiences that are designed to programs connect participants while providing a
"Play with a Purpose". They are professional design experts with the
positive message on “volunteering” as a lifestyles.
facilitation experience needed to connect adults through Give, Serve and Live is our message!
communication, cooperation, and collaboration.
Choose one or even a few activities that could end up being the
missing ingredient needed to improve connections at your next Why hangout in town when you can experience
organized “forced fun” that will release participants
meeting or retreat. As your Fun Coaches, we will coordinate and
to connect, play and have some fun. Amazing
integrate activities, ice-breakers, and experiences to foster a better Chases with clues, photos and story telling. Try our
work-life and personal-life for all who attend. Engage the Fun Factor
“you be the judge” Culinary Chase with judging
& Have More FUN! People connecting for a sense of Friendship! tasting and more!
Performing to build better Unity, trust, and respect. Needs met for
both the Individual and organization! Todd and Marsha have built a As facilitators we can engage your group on the trail
business providing corporate team building, workshops and "get a with problem solving as well as a message of
life" sessions for the past 30 years. Together they offer solutions for “outdoor” enjoyment. Play capture the flag or
work-life balance through investing time into recreation activities, experience a work-leisure balance hike or outing.
hobbies, and interests as well as community and volunteering. Todd
teaches the values of recreation as a "wellness" approach to our
Our Trailer of Fat Tire E-bikes allows everyone to
emotional needs while Marsha helps participants Find, Invest, and experience and “urban” trail or bikeway.
Share Time for improvement of the quality of life. Participants
Participants will learn the operation of the bike then
experience a realistic approach to work-life balance through leisure experience a facilitated experience on existing paths
time activities and giving 100% to all areas of life. Their unique and roadways.
approach and background in Recreation enhance their creative
Contact us directly for a private group tour.
design for all experiences to well organized while sharing "having
more fun" at and away from work.